
  • Nop Ajax Cart adds fast and user friendly capabilities to your nopCommerce web site to make shopping quick and easy. With Nop Ajax Cart customers of your nopCommerce site will be able to add products to their shopping cart on the fly much faster and most importantly without leaving their current page. There are no more post backs to the server and page refreshes not to speak of being redirected to the shopping cart page every time you hit the Add To Cart button. For example if a customer is viewing the product list on the category page and has filtered a set of products to look at, they would not loose their current view when they like to add a product to the shopping cart. Rather the Nop Ajax Cart will add the product to the shopping cart refresh the mini shopping cart on the fly and allow the customer to continue browsing through the products without interruptions.

  • Before you can use the Nop Ajax Cart plugin you need to install it in nopCommerce.

  • Once the Nop Ajax Cart plugin is installed you need to integrate it in your web site. You have two options for this: Automatic or Manual.

  • Please read the following steps for more information on how to configure the Nop Ajax Cart.