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How to Install a Plugin - 3.90 and below


When you download a plugin from Nop-Templates it comes in a zip package file i.e
The package should contain three folders coresponding to the three latest versions of nopCommerce i.e 3.4 , 3.3, 3.2 folders.
You need to open the folder corresponding to the version of nopCommerce that you use i.e 3.4.
When you open the folder for your version of nopCommerce you will find another zip package with the name of the plugin and the exact product version i.e

Product version - i.e

  • X.X - corresponds to the nopCommerce version i.e 3.4 means nopCommerce version 3.4.
  • YYY - corresponds to the Build number i.e 100 means internal build number 100.
  • ZZZZZZ - corresponds to the revisions i.e 13000 means revision 13000.

You need to extract the file.
You will see a folder named Plugins, which contains two more folders:

  • SevenSpikes.Core
  • SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.PluginName

Copy these two folders and add them into the Plugins folder of your nopCommerce installation.

Note: If you are using the source code version of nopCommerce you need to add these two folders into Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins folder.

 Now login in your web site and go in the Administration.

  1. Go to Configuration -> Plugins and click Reload list of plugins.
  2. Find Seven Spikes Core plugin and click Install.
  3. Find Nop Plugin Name plugin and click Install.
Note: Core plugin has to be installed before you can install any other plugins. If you can't install a plugin, please double-check if the Core plugin is installed.

Your plugin is now installed and ready to be used.