
- 104
Hi Support..
It is about the Thumbs images. As you know, I'm using the SEO plugins. It works great, but I should use it sooner (no one is perfect :-)). In fact, I realized yesterday that the majority of my thumbs Images are not SEO oriented :-)... in fact, the products that I imported since Spike Seo is installed have a SEO name but not the one before. Here's my question:
Should I rename all the thumbs to get, as per example this name 00082375_my_product_name_75.jpg instead 00082375_75.jpg ? and if I should take care about a specific detail.
Again, thanks a lot for your help, it is more than appreciated
Have a nice day
It is about the Thumbs images. As you know, I'm using the SEO plugins. It works great, but I should use it sooner (no one is perfect :-)). In fact, I realized yesterday that the majority of my thumbs Images are not SEO oriented :-)... in fact, the products that I imported since Spike Seo is installed have a SEO name but not the one before. Here's my question:
Should I rename all the thumbs to get, as per example this name 00082375_my_product_name_75.jpg instead 00082375_75.jpg ? and if I should take care about a specific detail.
Again, thanks a lot for your help, it is more than appreciated
Have a nice day