
Frequently Asked Questions

General license information

1. When I will be able to download the purchased product?
Upon successful payment, you will be able to download the product from your My Downloads section.

2. Is my license valid for local development servers or any internal server like a test server for example?
Yes, both single and multiple domain licenses are valid for internal servers.

3. How long is a trial license valid for?
All trial licenses are valid for 14 days since their purchase date. Please note that the trial license applies only to our plugins and our plugin collections.

4. Can I still use my product after my license has expired in 1 year?
Yes, you can still use the product but if you wish to continue to receive free upgrades and support, you will have to renew your license.  

5. I do not know the URL for my single domain license, what should I enter for the Store URL field when I buy the license?
If you do not know the domain of your nopCommerce project you can enter the store URL field a temporary URL or an URL related to your business (your company URL for example). We would ask you to send us the final URL later when you have it. This will ensure that your license is valid and tracked correctly.

Multiple domain license

1. What does a multiple domain license mean?
The multiple domain license means that you can use the product on as many websites\domains as you need. The multiple domain license is intended for web companies or retailers who intend to use the product on at least two websites\domains. Web companies and developers who intend to use the product for more than one client are encouraged to opt for the multiple domain license as it is much more cost effective.

2. I am using one installation of nopCommerce with multi-store. Do I need a multiple domain license to use one of your premium themes?
Yes, the multi-store can be used only with multiple domains or subdomains, which according to our licensing policy requires a multiple domain license.

3. What URL should I use when I buy a multiple domain license?
When you buy a multiple domain license you can enter any URL but we recommend that this URL is related to you, your company URL for example. Our goal is to build long-term relationships with our clients in various forms of partnerships. So such information helps a lot when we need to examine our customers' information and portfolio for example.

License renewal

1. How much does it cost to renew my license?
All customers have the following pricing options to renew their licenses:

  • Early-bird renewal (before license expiration) - 50% OFF the current list price of the product
  • Renewal (after the license has expired) - 30% OFF the current list price of the product

2. How can I renew my license?
All customers can renew their license by going to their My Account -> Downloadable Products page and pressing the Renew button for the product, which license they want to renew.

3. What is included in the upgrades of my product?
The upgrades of all our nopCommerce themes and extensions can consist of any combination of the following:

  • Upgrade to the newest version of nopCommerce
  • New features
  • New plugins (when the product is one of our premium nopCommerce themes, Nop Ultimate Plugin Collection, Nop Complete Plugin Collection or Nop UI Plugin Collection))
  • New themes (when the product is the Nop Ultimate Theme Collection)
  • Bug fixes and improvements

It is important to note that: 
All customers with valid licenses for one of our themes or one of our plugin collections will receive newly released plugins for free if the plugins are included in those products.
All customers with valid licenses for the Nop Ultimate Theme Collection will receive newly released themes for free if they are included in the theme collection.

What benefits do I get as a returning customer?

We want to make sure that we continue to help you grow a successful business and that you are able to make the best of our nopCommerce products at the best possible price.

1. As a returning customer, with a valid license for a theme you get the following benefits:

  • 50% off all nopCommerce plugins which are not included in the theme you have purchased.
  • 20% off the Ultimate Theme Collection for nopCommerce.
  • 20% off the Ultimate Plugin Collection for nopCommerce.

2. As a returning customer, with a valid license for the Theme Collection you get the following benefits:

  • 20% off the Nop Ultimate Plugin Collection. This bundle will give you access to all our plugins with multiple domains license.

3. As a returning customer, with a valid license for the Ultimate Plugin Collection you get the following benefits:

  • 20% off the Nop Ultimate Theme Collection. This bundle will give you access to all our themes with a multiple-domain license. 
  • 20% off all nopCommerce themes.

Please note that you need to log into your account to see the change in the prices.


1. Do you offer competitive upgrades?
Yes, we do offer competitive upgrades. Please contact our sales team at and provide information about the competing products that you own and the Nop-Templates product to which you want to upgrade.