

9 years ago
#10703 Quote
  • 1

Just upgraded a shop from 3.60 to 3.70 it seems there is a problem with dynamicprice
on ..\Themes\Tiffany\Views\Product\_ProductAttributes.cshtml

line 206
     var dynamicPriceUpdate = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<CatalogSettings>().EnableDynamicPriceUpdate;
    var dynamicPriceUpdateAjax = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<CatalogSettings>().DynamicPriceUpdateAjax;

it says that these methods no longer supported by nopcommerce catalogSettings!
EnableDynamicPriceUpdate and DynamicPriceUpdateAjax

just to make it work I have changed those lines to
    var dynamicPriceUpdate = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<CatalogSettings>().CacheProductPrices;
    var dynamicPriceUpdateAjax = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<CatalogSettings>().AjaxProcessAttributeChange;

    probably not correct

    please advise what to do.



9 years ago
#10704 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 389
ipappous wrote:

Just upgraded a shop from 3.60 to 3.70 it seems there is a problem with dynamicprice
on ..\Themes\Tiffany\Views\Product\_ProductAttributes.cshtml

line 206
     var dynamicPriceUpdate = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<CatalogSettings>().EnableDynamicPriceUpdate;
    var dynamicPriceUpdateAjax = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<CatalogSettings>().DynamicPriceUpdateAjax;

it says that these methods no longer supported by nopcommerce catalogSettings!
EnableDynamicPriceUpdate and DynamicPriceUpdateAjax

just to make it work I have changed those lines to
    var dynamicPriceUpdate = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<CatalogSettings>().CacheProductPrices;
    var dynamicPriceUpdateAjax = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<CatalogSettings>().AjaxProcessAttributeChange;

    probably not correct

    please advise what to do.




As I am looking into the code, we do not override the _ProductAttributes.cshtml view in the Tiffany theme. Maybe you have added it manually.

As you can see the default nopCommerce view, this is the needed code:

var dynamicPriceUpdate = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<CatalogSettings>().AjaxProcessAttributeChange;

I hope this helped !
Best Regards,
Mladen Staykov
[email protected]
6 years ago
#14662 Quote
  • 13

Anybody please let me know why the category misaligned in Safari browser on my Iphone X ?
6 years ago
#14663 Quote
  • 172
[email protected] wrote:

Anybody please let me know why the category misaligned in Safari browser on my Iphone X ?


it seems you have an element which is stretching the whole page on mobile. As we inspected your site we found a large image with payment logos which you have inserted in a topic-page.

As I mentioned in the ticket, if you add the following code to your Custom Head Styles section, the problem should disappear:

.topic-block-body img {
     height: auto;
     max-width: 100%;
Best Regards,

Valentin Kirov
[email protected]
6 years ago
#14664 Quote
  • 13
Valentin wrote:

Anybody please let me know why the category misaligned in Safari browser on my Iphone X ?


it seems you have an element which is stretching the whole page on mobile. As we inspected your site we found a large image with payment logos which you have inserted in a topic-page.

As I mentioned in the ticket, if you add the following code to your Custom Head Styles section, the problem should disappear:

.topic-block-body img {
     height: auto;
     max-width: 100%;

Fantastic Fix.. Thank you so so much!!!!