I see the option "Click for dropdown" or the option "Include topic" (which is the one i'm interested) but none "Show Topics Body In Dropdown" in 3.20 version
i've seen in the MegaMenu.cshtml this code regarding MegaMenuTopic, I have modified it to get the topic i wanted but i would like to add more topic like this one so i've tried to copy the following code but get an error at the end.
MvcHtmlString megaMenuTopicBlock = Html.Action("TopicBlock", "MegaMenu", new { systemName = "MegaMenuTopic" });
if (Model.Settings.EnableMegaMenuTopic && !MvcHtmlString.IsNullOrEmpty(megaMenuTopicBlock))
After the reply of Boyko i tried with the code :
<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SystemName = "topic system name" })">Link Title</a></li>
It works Well But there is no dropdown like the MegaMenuTopic.
Sorry if my previous e-mail wasn't clear and thanks in advance for your help