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This error is caused because of a version mismatch between nopCommerce and the Mega Menu plugin.
Check if you are using MegaMenu version 21801 or higher (System -> System information -> Loaded assemblies). And if this is the case double check which version of nopCommerce are you using, or if you don't have custom modifications download nopCommerce from the official site (not GitHub because it is possible to download the "old" version).
This error is caused because of a version mismatch between nopCommerce and the Mega Menu plugin.
Check if you are using MegaMenu version 21801 or higher (System -> System information -> Loaded assemblies). And if this is the case double check which version of nopCommerce are you using, or if you don't have custom modifications download nopCommerce from the official site (not GitHub because it is possible to download the "old" version).
Thanks for your help. I will double check the assemblies to make sure.