
Any easy way changing the main textcolor in this Template

7 years ago
#14323 Quote
  • 41

Is this something you need to do from a CSS
or do the template have any easy way changing what main text color us used?
7 years ago
#14326 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 172
Freddy1234 wrote:

Is this something you need to do from a CSS
or do the template have any easy way changing what main text color us used?

it depends on what you mean by "main text color".

The main theme colors (red & green by default) can be changed in the admin section. The main body text color (paragraph texts, etc, which are light grey by default) can be changed by adding a single css definition into the custom head styles panel in your administration, for example:

body {
    color: #666;

Just put your color of choice if this is what you are after.

All other colored elements (like solid black links, etc) can be only changed if redefined manually (either in custom head styles or in the css files).

Hristo Gospodinov
7 years ago
#14328 Quote
  • 41
Thanks for the reply and help do not have that much experience with NOP so not know what is possible / not possible yet :)
Is this also an option for styling/changing color the Search bar in the header
7 years ago
#14329 Quote
  • 41
disregard my question figured it out :)
Only thing im struglling with now is that even if i take a white color on background i get a grey area above it

7 years ago
#14331 Quote
  • 41
Just wanted to add a better image looks like a grey overlay on there

Do not seem to be able to control the text on the color in the box either :)
i thought it was .search-box-text that controlled it but nothing happens when i change color there
7 years ago
#14333 Quote
  • 172
Freddy1234 wrote:
Just wanted to add a better image looks like a grey overlay on there

Do not seem to be able to control the text on the color in the box either :)
i thought it was .search-box-text that controlled it but nothing happens when i change color there

Greetings Freddy,

if you want to change the background of the search bar to a solid color you need to use this selector with a HEX color code:

.store-search-box {
     background-color: #ffffff; /* Change this HEX to whatever you want */

As for the color of the placeholder in the search bar you need to use this selector:

.store-search-box { /* Chrome/Opera/Safari */
  color: #000000;
.store-search-box { /* Firefox 19+ */
  color: #000000;
.store-search-box { /* IE 10+ */
  color: #000000;
.store-search-box { /* Firefox 18- */
  color: #000000;
Best Regards,

Valentin Kirov
7 years ago
#14339 Quote
  • 41
Hello and thnk you for the help, it worked like a charm

But encountered a new issue when added a white background.

When entering a search text into the searchbox the color there is white as standard
where do this come from

When changing the text it will  probably also will inflict  the text on Newsletter box on frontpage (whats the name of that box cause i think i also then need to make it white)

Really sorry for escalating this with more question (hoped that the last one was enough)
7 years ago
#14344 Quote
  • 172
Freddy1234 wrote:
Hello and thnk you for the help, it worked like a charm

But encountered a new issue when added a white background.

When entering a search text into the searchbox the color there is white as standard
where do this come from

When changing the text it will  probably also will inflict  the text on Newsletter box on frontpage (whats the name of that box cause i think i also then need to make it white)

Really sorry for escalating this with more question (hoped that the last one was enough)

Greetings Freddy,

you can use this code to change the text color only in the search bar:

.store-search-box {
     color: #000000; /* Put your HEX color here */
Best Regards,

Valentin Kirov
7 years ago
#14346 Quote
  • 41
HEllo and thanks again
That helped perfectly with the color but as it seems, you still do not see whats being written in the box

You must manually click outside the box to be able too see what youve been written
Before you click outside the box

Text is hidden

7 years ago
#14351 Quote
  • 172
Freddy1234 wrote:
HEllo and thanks again
That helped perfectly with the color but as it seems, you still do not see whats being written in the box

You must manually click outside the box to be able too see what youve been written
Before you click outside the box

Text is hidden


Greetings Freddy,

sorry for the inconvenience, it seems another rule has to be added:

.store-search-box {
    color: #000000; /* Put here the same color as the color of the text you want */
Best Regards,

Valentin Kirov