
- 11
Hi Boyko,
I am not asking for support. I am reporting that your product is not working and there is obvious bug.
Since I use your porducts for several years, I noticed several things:
- there is more and more bugs in your plugins and templates
- there are no new plugins and most of them have some kind of problem
- there is 1 new template per year
I do not have time to spend searching what is wrong in your products since I am not paid for it.
If you want to give your customers good product, you should have bug report place, where we could report all thing that are not working
I am not asking for support. I am reporting that your product is not working and there is obvious bug.
Since I use your porducts for several years, I noticed several things:
- there is more and more bugs in your plugins and templates
- there are no new plugins and most of them have some kind of problem
- there is 1 new template per year
I do not have time to spend searching what is wrong in your products since I am not paid for it.
If you want to give your customers good product, you should have bug report place, where we could report all thing that are not working