
General Discussion

11 years ago
#2553 Quote
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minsou wrote:

Could you please tell me how to completely remove  "Welcome to our store" widget on Home page (title and description), after installing the Neo Fashion template ?

Best regards

Hi minsou,

Please go to the administration of your website Content Management => Topics and delete the HomePageText topic.

Best regards,

Ivan Stoyanov
Thank you for choosing our products! Your feedback is important to us!
8 years ago
#11829 Quote
  • 9
IvanStoyanov wrote:
Changing the e-mail address & phone # in Administration...

Hi there! I just received this e-mail and thought I would ask for clarification via the forums so that others can find the answers I'm looking for as well. I'm still not sure where in the Administration panel I find the fields to enter my phone & email information as mentioned below...

"  1. There are two resources in the header that can be changed via the administration. The phone comes from the following locale resource - SevenSpikes.Themes.NeoFashion.Common.Phone. The email in the header is consisted from two locale resources due to anti-spam precautions. The first locale resource is SevenSpikes.Themes.NeoFashion.Common.EmailName and the second is SevenSpikes.Themes.NeoFashion.Common.EmailDomain. These resources can be changed from the administration. The reason why the email has been split into two resources is that we use a anti spam js function.  "

Thanks in advance,

Hi Matt,

Thank you for asking this in the forum. I think it will be helpful for a lot of people.

As mentioned in our email, the email and phone in the header are resources.
Please read our glossary: (especially the Resource part) for detailed information on how to change a resource value.

If you have more questions, please do not hesitate and ask.

Ivan Stoyanov

Hi, I have change both ressource but i would like to delete the terms in the middle: [at]
I couldn't found it. please can you help me ?
8 years ago
#11830 Quote
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Tha [at] in NeoFashion is hard coded in the view. You will need to open Themes/NeoFashion/Views/Shared/_Root.cshtml, there you will find a span with class mail. There between the email name and email domain resources you will find the [at].

Hope this helps!
Iliyan Tanev
Nop-Templates Dev Team
8 years ago
#11835 Quote
  • 9
It was exactly what i was looking for :)
Thanks for the Fast reply