In order to achieve that you will need to edit the
~/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs/Views/Components/ProductTabs/_ProductTabsWithoutAjax.cshtml file.
In the file, you will see 2 commented sections that show how to add a custom tab that displays a topic. You will need to uncomment that code and make some changes to it.
The changes are as follows:
In the first commented block change the
<li><a href="#quickTab-ShippingInfo">@T("ShippingReturns")</a> </li>
with this:
<li><a href="#quickTab-RelatedProducts">@T("products.relatedproducts") </a> </li>
In the second commented block change
<div id="quickTab-ShippingInfo">
@await Component.InvokeAsync("TopicBlock", new { systemName = "ShippingInfo" })
<div id="quickTab-RelatedProducts">
@await Component.InvokeAsync("RelatedProducts", new { productId = Model.ProductId })
Note: You may need to write additional styling for the tab. Unfortunately, customizations are out of the scope of our support and we cannot help you with that.
Hope that helps!