
General Discussion

12 years ago
#443 Quote
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Topic for general discussion regarding Nop Ajax Cart
12 years ago
#446 Quote
  • 28
Will this be a stand alone product or will it be added to your Ultimate Extensions package? What about themes? Will it be added to them?

12 years ago
#450 Quote
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Will this be a stand alone product or will it be added to your Ultimate Extensions package? What about themes? Will it be added to them?



Nop Ajax Cart will be added to the Ultimate plugin collection as well as any other new plugins we release.
Nop Ajax Cart will be added to our themes and everyone that has purchased our themes will get the plugin for free as part of our 1 year free upgrades and support policy.

We are working on a seamless integration of the Ajax Cart in our themes and once we are done we will include the plugin in them. We are aiming the end of next week but it depends on how things will be going.

Hope this helps!

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Team
12 years ago
#918 Quote
  • 104
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the answer for the other question. I have  a new one, what is  :Flyout Shopping Cart Panel Selector: I don't have any value in my admin panel and I would like to know what I should put.

Thanks for all

12 years ago
#920 Quote
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ylechasseur wrote:
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the answer for the other question. I have  a new one, what is  :Flyout Shopping Cart Panel Selector: I don't have any value in my admin panel and I would like to know what I should put.

Thanks for all


Hi Yves,

You need to reinstall the Ajax Cart plugin.
Then the default setting for the selector will be set automatically.
We added this step in the upgrade instructions yesterday as we realized that the setting will be missing.
The flyout shopping cart is shown when you hover over your shopping cart link on the top.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team
12 years ago
#999 Quote
  • 104
Hi Support,

Hope it is going well.
Finally I changed my web hosting for Arvixe. Seems to be pretty good so far. I am in the process to move my web site and I decided to integrate all addon 1 by 1. I copied a vanilla version of nopcommerce and I started the integration with Ajax Cart Vanilla.

I did a manual integration as the documentation and I don't get all the nice information you have on your demo site. I only get a basic message.

I'm wondering what I missed again ...

Thanks a lot


test site :
12 years ago
#1002 Quote
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Hi Yves,

Looking at your new site it seems that you are using an old version of the Nop Ajax Cart - without the "Product Added To Cart" view which is shown with option of checkout, continue shopping and go to cart. You should download the latest package from your My Account section. Then you should replace the Ajax Cart plugin folder with the one from the package and reinstall it.

If you have made any customization you should merge them to the new plugin before installing it.

Hope that helps!
12 years ago
#1003 Quote
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Hi Yves,

Just forgot to mention that when you reinstall any of the plugins of the Nop Electronics theme, you will need to integrate it the theme by going to the Administration -> Plugins -> Nop Electronics Theme -> Settings and on the Plugins Integration tab check the corresponding plugin and click save.

12 years ago
#1006 Quote
  • 104
Hi Guys,

I have a look but is strange because I did download the leatest version.. but I probably choke on something again ..

Also, if you look at the web site and then look at the buttons on it, they all half graphic (seems that the background is half applied).. maybe I changed something in a .gif or anywhere else.. can you tell me the gif background used for the buttons, I'll put back the original..

I'll keep you posted and thanks for all

12 years ago
#1007 Quote
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Hi Yves,

The problem is in an image from the Themes\Electronics\Content\Images folder that has not been updated and the old one from the version 2.5 is used. Have you added the new images from the latest version.

For the buttons you should replace the ~/Themes/Electronics/Content/Images/bkg_btn.png with the one from the latest package downloaded from the site.

As to the Nop Ajax Cart if you have uploaded the very latest you can try modifying the Global.asax file to see if the new window is shown when a product is added to the cart.

Best Regards!