
Nop Mega Menu 3.01 released

Monday, May 20, 2013

We are glad to announce the release of Nop Mega Menu version 3.01.

The new version has more than 10 times improved performance.
Most of the changes are only performance improvements (the functionality, the settings and the styling is the same). 

  • Less calls to the database.
  • Improved caching.
  • Smarter way of preparing the MegaMenuModel. 

We also added a new feature to specify the number of subcategories when the template is Categories in Grid(with pictures). This is a very useful feature when you have a category with many subcategories and you want to show only a limited number of them. In this case we show a View all link that points to the main category.

Many thanks to all the people that reported their performance issues and for providing us with their databases.

To update to the latest version of the Nop Mega Menu 3.01 you can refer to this article.

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