
Profile: chongtto


User posts

Yes I made some changes to the plugin for nop slider to divide the container into 2 panes: left and right. Is that not allowed?

My page shows html text before an image is getting rendered. Is there a way to get rid of this? This is from Anywhere Slider. See image below.


7 years ago

Ticket submitted.

7 years ago

As you can see from the screenshot I sent, I have Show Ajax Filters on Search Page but it doesn't work.

7 years ago

I installed nopcommerce Ajax Filters on my page but it hasn't shown at all on the search result panel. There is no error on chrome debugging console either. I'm using Ajax Filters on Pavillion Themes. Please see pictures from link.

What am I missing?

I'm using Pavilion theme.
I want to add font-awesome.min.css to Nop.Plugin.Payments.CheckMoneyOrder. So I did:

In Nop.Plugin.Payments.CheckMoneyOrder plugin project, under Views\PaymentInfo.cshtml, I added the file like below.
After that I built and gave a it a run. The css file is not loaded even though the code is executed when I debugged. What am I missing?


    Layout = "";

@using Nop.Web.Framework.UI
@model Nop.Plugin.Payments.CheckMoneyOrder.Models.PaymentInfoModel
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

Also I already checked that the css file was always copied to deployment dir.