
Profile: zjerry


User posts

11 years ago

Any news on that dialog...?

zjerry wrote:
javascript:OpenWindow... effect is totally out of sync with this otherwise beautiful theme

I'm not a big fan of fancy box, for theme consistency sake it would be nicer to use same modal dialogs that you use elsewhere in the theme. (e.g. in the Quick View).

Do you plan to embed those changes in NeoFashion

Hi zherry,

I agree that the fancy box looks much nicer. We have decided to embed it back so that the theme looks nice. We will let you know once is done!

Thanks for the feedback!

11 years ago

javascript:OpenWindow... effect is totally out of sync with this otherwise beautiful theme

I'm not a big fan of fancy box, for theme consistency sake it would be nicer to use same modal dialogs that you use elsewhere in the theme. (e.g. in the Quick View).

Do you plan to embed those changes in NeoFashion ?

11 years ago

nopCommerce 3.2

If the "Terms of service (shopping cart page)" or "Terms of service (confirm order page)" option is in use, then if user clicks link to read terms the ugly new browser windows appears.

In 3.1 we have an elegant modal dialog displayed for that purpose.

Can you fix this?

11 years ago

12 days already passed - no fix ?

11 years ago

If you resize (narrow) non empty cart, then instead of table headings you'll have mysterious numbers (probably set by data-title attributes of <td> tags).  

Concerns strings like: Product(s), Price, Quantity, Total etc

Same effect can be noticed in the resized comparision page.

Since I did not noticed this effect at demo site I assume that this happens when you use  localization e.g. Polish @

11 years ago

It is working in 3.1 but only if you have full browser width available.

If space available is as narrow as the responsive mechanism works then the ribbon is clipped on left top sides.

It can be seen on the NeoFashion demo site as well. Just switch to the dresses category and resize browser window so the filters will be moved down. You will notice clipping left and top effect on Party Lace Dress product and top clipping on other products in the first row.

There is also problem with ribbon in product details - sometimes ribbon seems to be detached from the picture when the browser window is resized - this sometimes produces weird effects.
Again check the Party Lace product in demo.
Ribbon should be scalled and positioned as the picture is.

Another 5-cents to the responsive mechanizm: Try resizing main demo page, so that you will have 2 products in the bestsellers row.
- why are the BUY NOW bigger (not smaller or at least equal) ) then before
- if you scroll down then you'll notice BUY NOW buttons overlapping other products and images carousell.

And finally at my site in Polish ( if you resize non empty cart then instead of table headings you'll have mysterious numbers (set by data-title attributes of <td> tags).  Same effect can be noticed in the resized comparision page.

11 years ago

I've switched to 3.1 - it works ok now.

11 years ago

I've noticed, a bug in displaying ribbon on the start page.

Everything works ok for bestsellers (<div class"product-grid bestsellers"> area), but there is also an option to display certain product(s) on the main page.

Now, if the product marked with 'show on main page' option has a ribbon assigned and also it happens that it is the fist product in the <div class"product-grid home-page-product-grid"> area then the assigned ribbon image is clipped from the left side.

Adding z-order:xxx to the Category Page Ribbon, Ribbon Style does not change anything.

11 years ago

It would be nice to have tooltip (title?) for the ribbon image...

11 years ago

The problem is present in both ie10 and chrome and can be reproduced on neoFashion demo site as follows

1. On your demo site select the 'Camouflage Prom Dresses' product page.
2. From related products select quick view of 'Blue Casual Dress'.
3. Hover the mouse over picture in quick view pop-pup to see in-place zoom functioning
4. Now, as you click consecutive pictures available in quick view the following happens:
  - the  underneath 'Camouflage Prom Dresses' picture is replaced with quick-view picture clicked
  - the in-place zoom functionality is no longer active in the quick view