
Profile: Peppi


User posts

6 years ago

SDobrev wrote:

If you are running a multi-language store you will need to change the values per language.

Thank you, i didn't see that there are auto copies from default language.

6 years ago


i have a problem with "Info Boxes" the Text will not update on changes. On first config i put some text for title and text. After changing the text and hit save it's saved but not displayed on homepage, on homepage is still the fist text visible?

6 years ago


i have seen that in the "Anywhere Slider" there is the option to set conditions. For me this is a great feature.

I will reach that i can display for loged-out users some specific banners in widget zone 1 and for loged-in users also in widget zone 1 an other feature like the "JCarousel" or "Smart Product Collections" or "Sale of the Day".

Is this possible?


6 years ago

Hi Valentin, i just bought the plugin some weeks ago. Where i can see the version witch i have installed? I don't see any changelogs for this theme.
Also i don't know how to update the theme, can you explain?

Best Regards,

6 years ago

Peppi wrote:
in the list view of the catalog there is some thing wrong with the picture sizes. I thing the wrap for the pictures are not working correct or it's wrong set. The width is too big and it's covering the text area on the right side. The high is correct 260px and in admin under /Admin/Setting/Media i set "Preview size of the product image (catalog)" to 260px but it's not helping.
What is wrong here?

I needed to override css because of the stupide theme settings, the image max-width was set to none and the height you can set in admin in percent. Max-width: 100%; height: auto; works better.

.item-box .picture > a img {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 50%;
    -webkit-transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
    -ms-transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
    transform: translate(-50%,-50%);
    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;

6 years ago

in the list view of the catalog there is some thing wrong with the picture sizes. I thing the wrap for the pictures are not working correct or it's wrong set. The width is too big and it's covering the text area on the right side. The high is correct 260px and in admin under /Admin/Setting/Media i set "Preview size of the product image (catalog)" to 260px but it's not helping.
What is wrong here?

6 years ago

Hi Valentin,

thank's for your help, i get it.

Do you also know how to change the social icons? This looks some more complicated.

6 years ago


i would like to change some settings in the footer menu. How i can change in the Payment options section the icons? I would like remove Amex and Paypal or all and replace it with SEPA.

The same i have with the follow us section. I would replace twitter with xing or linkedin.

Best Regards,