
Profile: porcelanosa


User posts

9 years ago

Hello, i can't find view that handles table that is shown under tab of specifications, please help. P.S when i press enter on my keyboard it doesnt go to next row (bug?) so i couldnt paste code but it goes like this "product-specs-box -> table-wrapper ->" etc

9 years ago

hristian.dimov wrote:
but i currently dont use vertical slider with 2 products and i cant change it atm...


this is because the vertical jCarousel is styled to show only 1 item at once. If you want to show 2 products you need to change the css. Open the Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.JCarousel\Themes\DefaultClean\Content\JCarousel.css find :

.nop-jcarousel .jcarousel-clip-vertical {
    height: 250px;

and change it to:

.nop-jcarousel .jcarousel-clip-vertical {
    height: 500px;

NOTE: If you want to show 3 products the height should be 750px, for 4 products - 1000px and so on ( Number_of_products * 250 )

Hope this helps!

Thanks, i will check it out when i get home!


9 years ago
but i currently dont use vertical slider with 2 products and i cant change it atm...

9 years ago

Hello, so i have this bug (showed on picture) with your plugin, im on 3.4 version, link is below:
thanks in advance

Bug doesnt happen if using only 1 product