Installing NopAnywhereSliders_4.3.655.35088 is failing with the following error:
System.Exception: An error occured executing the following sql:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AddressAttribute] ([Id] INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1), [Name] NVARCHAR(400) NOT NULL, [IsRequired] BIT NOT NULL, [AttributeControlTypeId] INT NOT NULL, [DisplayOrder] INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_AddressAttribute] PRIMARY KEY ([Id]))
The error was There is already an object named 'AddressAttribute' in the database.
The database is a converted Nop 4.2 database that had NopAnywhereSliders_4.2.420.30584 installed.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Thanks - Mark.
When editing a picture and you set the title font size or font family, it does not render on the page. You see a grayed out title text and "/<" very quickly then nothing. Only headers seem to work.
When I went to update to the latest version, I deleted the plugins first then uploaded the new zip file. The plugins got copied into the plugins folder but they don't show up under the local plugins list. I've tried everything I can think of to make them show up but to no avail. Any suggestions?
I just bought version 4.2 and noticed that the option 'Enable using thumbnails for control navigation' only shows the first thumbnail. I tried changing around the options but nothing I did made all thumbnails visible. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? If it's easily fixable in code, I'm comfortable doing that until a permanent fix is available. You can see the single thumbnail on our website -