
Profile: devmittera


User posts

one year ago


On my local computer I installed the Native theme and then I updated the file:

I put my class name in the backgrounds section:

.myPluginHeaderBar {
    background-color: @color;

I am not seeing the color appear in my header bar.  Is this the correct location for me to make this change?  Do I need to compile the less file?

one year ago

Thank you for your response I will give this a try.

one year ago


I am very new to nopCommerce.  The project I am working on is using the 7Spikes Native Theme. One of the plug-ins we have written has a header bar. It is a solid color hard coded. I would like that header bar to pick up the color selected in the Native Theme under Nop-Templates -> Themes -> Native -> Settings -> Preset.

How can I get my code to use that selected color?

<div style="width:100%;height:30px;background-color:#f17e06"></div>