I could really use anyone's help with this.
Currently, this theme's manufacturers page displays items three (3) across, with a left side menu. What I'm looking to accomplish is to make it four (4) columns, and keep the left side menu.
For the most part, I can maneuver my way around CSS. What I'm looking for here is help on which CSS file(s) I would put the code into, so I don't break the responsive theme.
Also, I'm adding a Mega Menu to this page, but am not sure which .cshtml file that needs to go in.
Thanks in advance for your help.
I am adding a new HTML Widget Zone to my home page. (I needed a zone below the Nivo Slider, but above the Content Box.)
I've gone into the Plugins folder for HTMLWidgets, and modified the SupportedWidgetZones.xml file to include the following:
I also went into the Themes > ShopAll > Views > Home folder and updated the Index.cshtml file to include the following in the <div class="page-body"> section:
@await Component.InvokeAsync("Widget", new { widgetZone = "home_page_after_slider"})
I then restarted the application.
When I go to create a new HTMLWidget, and add a new zone record from the dropdown list, my new zone "home_page_after_slider" is not in the list.
So what am I doing wrong? I followed all the instructions I found here:
I also tried (according to another article I found), to create a file named AdditionalSupportedWidgetZones.xml, in the same folder as the SupportedWidgetZones.xml file. But no success there either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have "Contact Us" (In footer), and "Sitemap" enabled in General Settings. However, neither one is displayed in the Footer.
Also, when checking the Themes\ShopAll\Views\Shared\Components\Footer\default.cshtml, there is no configuration information for either.