
Profile: pdesignz


User posts

10 years ago

Can you show me how to add submenus, about us was just an example...If I add top level menu topic, how can also add additional topics in the same menu for that same category topic? If not would it be best to remove the megamenu topic and go back to the original menu that came with Nop 3.3

10 years ago

I would like to add some additional topics to the mega menu, especially sub-menu items contained within within the About Us and adding additional parent level topics. Using NopCommerce 3.3


10 years ago

I am using Nop 3.3 and wanted to see if there was a way to have a combination of the mega menu styling. I like the categories with pictures option for my store product categories, but would prefer the single list option for all other menus. Is this possible, or would be one or the other and no option to combine.


10 years ago

I have Nop 3.0 & 3.3 and am using the Ultimate Plugin, I wanted to see if it is possible to convert the additional images on product pages to a jcaoursel?


10 years ago

I am using Nop 3.0 with the Nop Templates Ultimate Plugin. The two I have noticed that has an issue is Mega Menu and Cloud Zoom. The issue I have noticed, is that when I have a drop down and I hover on the drop down of the mega menu and when I get to the product image using cloud zoom, that the drop down then disappears and cloud zoom takes over...Any idea how to fix this issue.


11 years ago

I am using NopCommerce 3.0 and I have installed the plugins for 3.0 and when I am trying to add a custom tab to a specific product I notice that it always falls behind the reviews tab. Is there a way to have The product description, followed by the custom tabs and then the reviews tab.


11 years ago

Installing Ajax Filter into NopCommerce 3.0, after installing  it seems to crash the storefront. I have followed the documentation about installation and configuration. After installing I have also cleared the cache and restarted the application and then when I go to the category pages I get this error...

We're sorry, an internal error occurred.

Our supporting staff has been notified of this error and will address the issue shortly.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Please try clicking your browsers 'back' button or try reloading the home page.

If you continue to receive this message, please try again in a little while.

Thank you for your patience.

This only happens on category page, other pages and topics all seem to work fine. If I go back and  uninstall the plugin the category pages work and site works properly. I have other Nop-Templates plugins installed, but not sure if that would cause a conflict or not.


I am using Nop 3.0 and I would like to add a slider to a single topic page or single page on my Nop site, is there anyway to do that?

12 years ago

I am currently using NopCommerce 2.65 and have the Ultimate Plugin and was thinking about upgrading to version 2.80, but see that you don't support 2.80 yet. Do you have any idea when you will be upgrading your plugin and be able to use with 2.80...


Is there a way not to show a category in the Mega Menu Products DropDown, but instead have this new category as main category that I can manually add to the menu. So essentially, I want to hide a category from displaying in the drop down menu, but still have the other categories display and then manually add this category as a main category header to menu.
