
Profile: feelyd


User posts

10 years ago

Just an update on this, the new version of nopcommerce has a final step in the checkout going to orderdetails !

10 years ago

Actually I can see now it's nothing to do with your templates.
It's a nopcommerce issue.

Thanks anyway,

10 years ago

Hi Nop-Templates,

I have recently installed your new skin Motion for my website , it is excellent.
One issue at the moment is that Analytics for Ecommerce is not working.

So on the last step of the checkout, Ecommerce tracking code should be put on the page.

Your new skin goes to Instead of checkout/Completed
Looking at the analytics plugin it only gets , embeded using the following logic
/Special case, if we are in last step of checkout, we can use order total for conversion value

                if (controller.ToString().Equals("checkout", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                    action.ToString().Equals("completed", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    var lastOrder = GetLastOrder();
                    globalScript += GetEcommerceScript(lastOrder);

Any idea what I put in for your skin ?


10 years ago

Hi All,

Just upgraded my childrens books website. I used nopcommerce 3.2 and I purchase yet another excellent skin from

Have a look and let me know
What I would like to do , it put a slider rather that text on the front page (which is ugly), but I was advised a little bit of text of the front page would be better for SEO.

The category pages I have used a bigger image 250px, which looks good.

Any feedback would be appreciated.


11 years ago

I am having the same issue, on, any chance of a pointer on what to change.

I could copy the code from the standard view but it looks a lot different from the view in the plugin


11 years ago

Hi All,

I have been trying for a while to get a custom data source working, I'm sure it's fairly simple but it took a while as I'm not that familiar with nopcommerce. Anyway I finally got an example working.

Anyway I'll post up some code early next week of a working example.

If anyone needs a copy of the code just send me an email.