Hi Team,
This question is in regards to products viewed on mobile. I'm asking in the Cloud Zoom forum, as I assume my question is related to that plugin.
In the Pacific theme - Beauty version, product images can be viewed by using a finger swiping motion (like Instagram), instead of clicking a small thumbnail. Is this a setting option? We would like to have the same feature in the Venture theme.
My apology, my question wasn't very clear, however, I do think you have answered my question.
I was referring to the category pages on mobile. Many of the themes now show two columns of products. On a theme like Pavilion, the products show the "buy now" button, while in other themes the buy now button is not shown...once again, I'm referring to products viewed on a mobile device in their two columns category view.
Hi Team,
On some of your themes, the "buy now" button is available on the item category page (such as in Pavilion), however in other themes (i.e. Venture) the "buy now" button is excluded. Is there a setting to turn the "buy now" button on and off on the category page, or is this by design, depending on theme?
The theme install instructions are "The Core plugin has to be installed before you can install any other plugins and the Theme plugin has to be installed last as it contains theme specific settings that override some of the other plugins settings".
My question is, what happens if this order isn't followed? And how would you correct whatever issues would result if the order was installed incorrectly?
Also, what happens if after installing the core, plugins, and theme plugin, a plugin such as mega-menu is uninstalled (after the theme plugin is installed) and then reinstalled? would you have to follow the same order again. For example, would you have to:
1. uninstall the theme plugin
2. then reinstall the mega-menu plugin
3. and then reinstall the theme plugin?
Same if the core plugin got uninstalled. would you have to:
1. Uninstall all the plugins
2. Reinstall the core plugin
3. Reinstall the non-theme plugins
4. Reinstall the theme plugin.
I got it to work, I pasted the three Pavilion zones into Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.JCarousel\SupportedWidgetZones.xml.
Thanks Stoyan, but the Pavilion theme was already set as the default store theme in Configuration -> Settings -> General settings.
Now I tried saving the default theme as "Default clean", and then back to Pavilion but there is no change in the available widgets. Still no "homepage_slider_after".
I'm working through the Pavilion Theme documentation, and am stuck on the "Trending products carousel" section. In particular "The last step is to map the newly created carousel to the homepage_slider_after widget zone". I don't seam to have this zone on the JCarousel.
The only homepage zones that I have are:
home_page_before_news (a second time)
Thank you for the info, greatly appreciated. I wanted to make sure that I installed it correctly.
Is the Mega Menu only available in widget zones: content_before and theme_header_menu?