
Profile: Jayjay


User posts

one year ago

Support wrote:
Help make Nop-Templates products better. Share your ideas or feature requests related to the Nop Pioneer Theme for nopCommerce.

Your themes are poorly optimized for the mobile part, unfortunately, the entire Nopcommerce project devotes little time to mobile optimization. In all your themes, there are huge gaps, and the main elements are not centered in the mobile version of the website. The customer's attention should be focused on:

The main image (other images should not be presented as small icons); they should simply swipe them left or right.
Immediately below the image, there should be a button to add to cart/buy now, followed by product availability, delivery time, and only then the rest, including a short description and hamburger menus.

2 years ago

When we get an update for 4.6 version of nopcommerce?