
Profile: ChrisN


User posts

I just setup a fresh server as test machine and I'm getting this error when browsing the new site.  I am using MegaMenu.

The strange thing is I am not getting that error when I run the project in Visual Studio.  I have copied all the binaries to the new server but continue to get this error.

I'm on NopCommerce 4.0 with the latest version of the MegaMenu plugin.

I opened a case with Nop-Templates but have not heard from them in more than 24 hours so they may be out for a while due to the Pandemic.

Can anyone shed some light?

It won't let me create a ticket for the theme, there is no option in the form.

It's the Nivo slider

I am using the Tiffany theme and the included anywhere sliders plugin on NOpCommerce v3.6.  I would like to make the home page full width and increase the width of the homepage slider to be full width, how can I do that?

10 years ago


Is there a way to have a carousel with both products and categories?

I tried in mine and it does not show the categories when I add a product.  If I remove the product, then my 9+ categories show up.

I need to be able to show both.  I'm using NopC 3.1 with your Jewelry Theme

Any help is greatly appreciated!