
User posts

12 years ago

Perfect. Thanks.

12 years ago

Hi there,

Is there anway I can put the manufacturer filter at the top, or choose where it can be placed?  At the moment if you have a long list of specification filters, it tends to hide to the bottom.

Please advise.

13 years ago


I just tried changing the product specification order, but it does not alter the order which the dropdown boxes are shown.

I have downloaded the latest version 2.4.

Any ideas?

13 years ago

Did you manage to get this change into version 2.4?  I have not tried it yet myself.

13 years ago

Hi Milen,

Having played about with the Ajax Filters, I think they are brilliant.  However, i do have the following suggestions which would make it even better if they could be incorporated:

1) Need ability to change the order of the dropdown boxes
2) When dropdown box option is enabled (instead of checkbox), the dropdown boxes should all be disabled except the first one.  As the customer chooses the first option, the second one gets highlighted etc.  The ability to do change this for a particular category.
3) Ability to change type of filter per category (so choose dropdown for some and checkbox for others)
4) Price filter does not take into account how you enter prices on the system.  If you have selected all your prices are entered as exclusive of VAT. E.g. if Product A is 500 ex Tax, and I , as a user, view the site including tax, the price filter will not adjust the price ranges accordingly.


13 years ago


I have a temporary site up at

I want to know if it's possible to change the order of the dropdown boxes in the ajax filter 2.3?

If you go

There are two filters, how can i put Printer Series before Printer Model?

I've tried changing the specification attribute orders, but that doesn't help.

13 years ago

Well, what I would want is something like a low-high price filter.  

If someone has filtered a number of products using the ajax filters, they might wish to then sort only these products from low price to high price (or vice versa).

So if that could somehow be incorporated, it would be perfect.

13 years ago

Thanks for that.

Do you think it would be easy to incorporate the price filter a part of the Ajax filters?  That way, we can avoid postback.

13 years ago

When you have choose your filters, then use the sorting, it clears the filters.  You should be able to filter and sort.

13 years ago

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to work out how to download the Nopcommerce extensions (free ones), but can't see any link? I'm registered and logged in.  I've also been through checkout, but there is no link to download the code.

Can anyone help?