
Profile: Bellgate


User posts

I performed a fresh nopCommerce v4.30 install with the Nop Traction theme v4.30 and I am missing nine resource strings. They all start with sevenspikes.themes.traction.common and include .footerinformation, .skype, etc.

Did I do something wrong during the installation?

7 years ago

Hi Anton,

Thank you for your response.  Unfortunately, it does not help.  The default shipping country is already set and Preselect Last Customer Shipping address is checked.

What puzzles me is this:

1.  One Page Checkout worked perfectly until I upgraded to v3.90.

2.  I mostly see this behavior when Guests are checking out.

3.  When I disable the plugin the default NopCommerce One Page Checkout works perfectly.

So I am puzzled.  I have temporarily disabled the Nop-Templates plugin until I can get this resolved.

7 years ago

I disabled the plugin and everything works fine using the default one page checkout.  I only see the issue while using the Nop-Templates plugin.

7 years ago

This is more than just a product shipping enabled issue.  I started seeing this behavior after upgrading to v3.90.  So far I am seeing it for guest checkouts and impersonated registered customer checkouts.

What I see is that when the customer gets to the check out page (one page checkout is active), in store pickup is the delivery method and there is no option to change it.

Here is what I saw when I landed on the checkout page:

1.  The Billing Address text boxes are visible, but they are empty, even for a registered customer.

2.  The Shipping Address text boxes are not visible.

3.  The in store pick up box is visible, but the check box to select and deselect the option is not visible.

I am using the latest version of Core and One Page Checkout plugin that I installed today.

8 years ago

I installed the v3.7 trial version and receive the following error message when I try to view the cart or try to checkout:

'iexplore.exe' (Script): Loaded 'http://localhost:15536/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.RealOnePageCheckout/Scripts/angular/angular.min.js'.

Unsupported format of the sourcemap'iisexpress.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: /LM/W3SVC/2/ROOT-1-131066202514308796): Loaded 'C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\ce354af9\fa5b3c92\App_Web_4enpwiwx.dll'.

'iisexpress.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: /LM/W3SVC/2/ROOT-1-131066202514308796): Loaded 'C:\Users\Richard\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\ce354af9\fa5b3c92\App_Web_qsx05fpk.dll'.

Unhandled exception at line 37, column 59140 in http://localhost:3732/0f99fe0d42a04d8c99c32a5becf59c5d/browserLink
0x800a139e - JavaScript runtime error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: div[ng-show='vm.config['termsOfServiceOnOrderConfirmPage']']

Is this error have anything to do with the plugin?

8 years ago

Where are attachments stored?  We are about to upgrade to a new nopCommerce version and we want to make sure we don't lose our attachments in the process.

8 years ago

We are getting ready to upgrade from nopCommerce 3.4 to 3.7 and are wondering if we need to worry about saving our Store Locator information prior to starting the upgrade process.  Where is the locator information stored?

10 years ago

I am already using the Smart theme and I just purchased the Store Locator and Attachments extensions.  Since I have the Smart theme installed I already have SevenSpikes.Core installed.  I am wondering, then, if I really need to overwrite the core with with the files that are included with the extensions?  And if I do, which, extensions files shall I copy last?

10 years ago

I have a sub-category with six items.  While viewing the page on a PC desktop they appear on the screen in two rows of three.  On the first row there is a relatively large gap between the category text and the associated image.  On the second row, that rows text is relatively close to the first rows image such that the second row text and first row image seem related to each other and not to the images in the second row.

I want to change the vertical distance between the text and images to get them aligned a little better, but I worry that this may throw off the spacing when viewed on a different screen, such as a mobile device.  Do i have anything to worry about, or should I go ahead and the change?

10 years ago

Hi Peter,

Thank you for your reply.  I have actually used Custom Head Styles to make modifications so I am familiar with how it works.  From looking at the code I am not sure how to accomplish what I want.

Here is the relevant code:

<div class="footer-middle">
        <div class="footlist">
            <h3 class="title">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.LegalInformation")</h3>
                <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("privacyinfo") })">@T("PrivacyNotice")</a></li>
                <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("conditionsofUse") })">@T("ConditionsOfUse")</a></li>
                <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("securepayment") })">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.SecurePayment")</a></li>
        <div class="footlist">
            <h3 class="title">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.ShippingReturns")</h3>
                <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("internationalshipping") })">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.InternationalShipping")</a></li>
                <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("shippinginfo") })">@T("ShippingReturns")</a></li>
                <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("deliveryinformation") })">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.DeliveryInformation")</a></li>
        <div class="footlist">
            <h3 class="title">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.AffiliateExtras")</h3>
                <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("brands") })">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.Brands")</a></li>
                <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("giftvouchers") })">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.GiftVouchers")</a></li>
                <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("becomeaffiliate") })">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.BecomeAffiliate")</a></li>
        <div class="footlist">
            <h3 class="title">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.ServiceSupport")</h3>
                <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("customerassistance") })">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.CustomerAssistance")</a></li>
                <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("faq") })">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Smart.Common.FAQ")</a></li>
                <li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("ContactUs")">@T("ContactUs")</a></li>

You are right, I can remove the entire middle footer by setting its display property to none, but I can't (from what I see) selectively remove individual footer sections (or lists).  This is because each section (or list) is named footlist.  If the lists had unique names then I could.  For example, if they used names such as footlist-legal, footlist-shippingreturns, etc., then I could.   You can get even finer granularity if each li item had a unique class name.