


User posts

13 years ago

I am using Nop Ajax 2.3

13 years ago


I am using nopCommerce 2.3 and when I have nopAjax filters enabled I am tracing a huge delay on loading categories and their products.

The site url is

Could you help me with this issue??

Thanks in advance.

13 years ago


As I mentioned above, I made some custom changes in specification filters.

The filters work fine, but I encountered a huge delay on loading categories.
It happends only when I enable


Any idea on this??

Thanks in advance.

13 years ago


I want to click on specification title and show its filter items. My problem is that on clicking the title, it opens all filter items of every specification.

I need to open each specification separately and hide the others (but, I don't mind if the already opened items stay opened on clicking the others).

The selection of the hidden filters are not being disabled, so I suppose I will not have any problem if they are hidden.

The script that I use is

@if (Model.NopAjaxFiltersSettingsModel.EnableSpecificationsFilter)
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var $div = $('.specificationFilterGroupPanel');
        var e = $div.attr("data-optionsGroupId");
        var f = {};
        f.Id = e;

        var $div1 = $('.manufacturerFilterGroupPanel');
        var $div2 = $('.attributeFilterGroupPanel');

        var height = $div.height();
        $div.hide().css({ height: 10 });

        ab = $(".specificationFilterPanel7Spikes");
        $(ab).click(function () {

            if (e == "2") { ${ height: height }, { duration: 500 }); }
            if ($':visible')) {
                $div.animate({ height: 0 }, { duration: 500, complete: function () {
            } else {
                ${ height: height }, { duration: 500 });

            return false;

    @Html.Action("GetSpecificationFilter", "SpecificationFilter7Spikes")


in the NopFilters.cshtml page.

I hope it's more helpfull now.

Thanks in advance.

13 years ago

I developed a NopAjax Filters variation with hide() and show() jquery effect. You can see it here.

All the filters are included in div "specificationFilterGroupPanel". What I need to manage is to separate the specifications by "data-optionsGroupId" and when I click on each item of "specificationFilterGroupPanel", to show the relevant item only and hide all the others of the "specificationFilterPanel7Spikes".

Any idea how to do this?