
Profile: hristo


User posts

set rich blog
7 years ago

webproject wrote:
how set BESTSELLERS and LATEST FROM BLOG side by side.


can you please start a support ticket about this and make sure you include a link to your website so we can inspect what the problem is.


7 years ago

Jowins wrote:
I would like to add a border to the all the images shown in the theme as well through the plugins.  So any image in the site will have a border. I tried  to change in the css but it is not reflected though some other changes like some animation is working. Might be something else overriding it? Any help is much appreciated.

you can add a global css rule together with "!important" rule, like this:

img {
    border: 1px solid black !important;

Add this either to your main css file (styles.css) or in the custom head styles panel in your administration.

If you have any further questions, please open a support ticket instead of writing in the forum.


8 years ago

Ebrahim wrote:
My site address:

the menu on pc is ok. but on mobile device not good.

the menu is open but this go to the left and must scroll the page and see this.
I recorde from screen. please see this and help me


the problem doesn't seem to be related to the Mega Menu plugin at all, but to the Motion theme. Please try this, go to your "Motion.js" file (Themes\Motion\Content\scripts), and look for this line of code:

movedElements: ".admin-header-links, .header, .responsive-nav-wrapper, .slider-wrapper, .master-wrapper-page, .footer",

When you find it - delete it (the whole line), then save the file, and test your site again (you may need to clear the cache of your browser).

If you still have any problems, please open a support ticket instead of writing in the forum.


tarekmahran wrote:

I bought Pavillion theme and I want to add country selection option in the preference header item. I had multicountry store and want to allow visitors to select country.

How can I do that by the best way.



in nopCommerce, there are just these three types of options: tax type, currency and language. If you need another one, you have to do implement it yourself. Take a look in Header.cshtml file (Themes\Pavilion\Views\Shared), the code block for header selectors looks like this:

<div class="header-selectors">

This code is linking to "partial" files where each option's logic is. The partial files are "CuurencySelector.cshtml", "LanguageSelector.cshtml" and "TaxTypeSelector.cshtml". You have to build your custom code in a similar way.


8 years ago

En.RaMy wrote:

I want to add Background textures to the theme as implemented in

Please help !


you can easily add a background texture to your site, just add this code to the custom head styles panel in your administration:

body {
    background-image: url('../img/your-texture-file.png');
    background-repeat: repeat;

Then place your texture image in the image folder of your theme Themes\Brooklyn\Content\img

Keep in mind that you can add only one texture.

8 years ago

Stormvision wrote:

I noticed that the homepage parallax effect (the news background for example) is not working correctly on Safari (iMac). It moves in jerks and the resulting effect is really ugly.

I also tried demos of other scripts I found with Google and they work fine. Do you have an alternate script I can use in Tiffany.js to solve this issue?


Hello Stormvision,

it seems the script that comes with the theme is not working well with your browser and/or operation system. We have to inspect this and upgrade the code in the future but as of now there is no alternate version of the script.

8 years ago

GreatAdventure wrote:

To make navigation easier on mobile, how hard would it be to have the category headings collapsible (and collapsed by default)?

Sorry for the confusion. To be more clear I now know what I'm talking about. What I'm asking about is the "Smart Product Collections" on the home page.

Would it be possible to make them so that they can be collapsed on mobile devises?


Hello GreatAdventure,

yes, your request is clear, and you have a point, I think overall UX will be better this way on a smartphone. We will discuss it after the Holidays and will get back to you to let you know if it's going to be implement it or not.

8 years ago

mshaikhji wrote:
Hi All,

I want to make the pop up window of conditions to be of width(say 600) and height(say 600) and the content should be scrollable.

As of now, I have a page which is quite long and whatever width i am trying to set, its getting overridden by ui-dialog class which sets width at (350px !important) which actually makes the conditions page wierd and infact the page is so lengthy that there is no scrollbar available and the full page goes way beyond the footer and looks wierd.

Is there any solution to work for this problem?

I think that the admin must have feature to set the width/height of the popup window at specifies pages like cart page, which is actually very important in terms of admin perspective.

Thanks all...!

Hello mshaikhji,

yes, you can restyle the "Terms" window, but unfortunately there is no way to distinguish it from other "dialog" windows. This means that if you restyle it (make it big or whatever) every other dialog popup on your site will change too.

Let me know if you still want to proceed and I'll give you some guidelines.

8 years ago

monishrafi wrote:

Please any body help on this as we need to add increment decrement button inline with quantity box so that user can change quantity through mouse click

we are using motion responsive theme and nop ajax cart

Here is a script you can use for that, but you have to initialize it (and style the new elements) on your own, since this is not a part of the theme:

function incrementQuantityValue(event) {
    var input = $(this).siblings('.qty-input');
    var value = parseInt(input.val());
    if (isNaN(value)) {
function decrementQuantityValue(event) {
    var input = $(this).siblings('.qty-input');
    var value = parseInt(input.val());
    if (isNaN(value)) {
    if (value <= 1) {

function handlePurchaseQuantityValue() {
    $(document).on('click', '.add-to-cart .increase, .cart .increase', incrementQuantityValue);
    $(document).on('click', '.add-to-cart .decrease, .cart .decrease', decrementQuantityValue);

You have to add 2 new elements (e.g. <span>) around your quantity input text box in all possible scenarios (product templates, shopping cart table, plugins...) and use the class names "increase" and "decrease" to get them targeted by the above script. When ready, initialize the handlePurchaseQuantityValue() function and test.


8 years ago

jkeeler wrote:
I have about 20 or so top level categories and on the home page, the menu is fixed down. This forces the home page content to begin after the category menu.  I understand there is a slider there on the demo site, however I need to push the content up or I will have a huge gap of empty space. I also modified the theme to use ColumsTwo on the home page.  Thanks.

Hi jkeeler,

unfortunately that's not possible. Pavilion theme's home page may look like composed of two columns, but it's not, the content is divided into two horizontal sections - the first one is containing the category menu, main slider and 2 product carousels, and the second is containing the rest of the content on the page. You can't shift content from the second section into the first one - it always starts where the first section ends. So if you have a big gap in the first section, the only you can do is to fill it with a bigger slider or an additional product carousel.
