
Profile: hristo


User posts

9 years ago


you have to increase the z-index value of the titles (because they are currently hidden below the pictures). Please go to your main CSS file (styles.css) and look for a piece of code like this:

.home-page-category-grid .title,
.sub-category-grid .title,
.manufacturer-grid .title {


    z-index: 1;


Change the value to "2", and the titles will appear over the pictures.

Logo Size
9 years ago


the container of the logo is an element called "header-logo", which by default is limited to 320px width on desktop resolutions in Motion theme.

The code that sets the width of the element is like this (you can find it in your 980.css file):

.header-logo {
    width: 320px;

Change the width to whatever suits you.

Fonts Problem
9 years ago

Hello guclu,

the Nitro theme is implemented with "Arial" font, which is a websafe font that is present on every operation system. if you see another font instead, it means that something is overriding the default font, but I can't be more specific until I inspect your website. If the site is online please provide us with a link.


9 years ago


you can use this stack of selectors to target the page title only on your category page:

.category-page .page-title h1 {...}

just put your styles between the brackets.

9 years ago

Hi again, please add these styles to your theme too:

.color-neutral .productAddedToCartWindowDescription strong,
  .color-neutral .mini-shopping-cart .price span,
  .color-neutral .mini-shopping-cart .totals strong {
        color: #505050;

this will fix the color in ajax cart and in flyout cart.

as for the price's font-size in checkout's "total" panel, find this piece of code in your css styles:

.cart-total .order-total {
    color: #4dc98d;
    font-size: 18px;

and change the font-size value to your preference.

9 years ago

please add these styles too:

.color-neutral .cart td.subtotal,
  .color-neutral .cart-total .order-total {
        color: #505050;

And in case you are using our One Page Checkout plugin, you have to add the next code to the css file of the plugin:

.color-neutral .ropc .complete-button button {
  border: 1px solid #565656;
    box-shadow: 0 1px 0 0 #464646;
.color-neutral .ropc .complete-button button:hover {
  background-color: #606060;

Or just wait for a while, we will deploy these changes until the end of the day, so it will be available for download.

9 years ago

Hello Jesse,
and thank you for letting us know about the missing "My Account" icon, the fix is simple, just go to your "mobile-only.css" file and look for a piece of code like this:

.header-links .account {...}

and when you find it, change it to:

.header-links .ico-account {...}

this should load the missing icon.


the issue in Art Factory theme is different. In order to fix it you need to add this piece of code in your "ie8-fix.css" file:

.mega-menu .dropdown {
  background: #fff;

Or just wait for a while and then update your theme, we'll try to implement the fix until the end of the day.

9 years ago

Hi again,

after checking your site, I can see you have to add some more changes (along with the changes described in my previous post):

.quickViewWindow .overview .add-info {

Please implement this code in the same way described in the previous post.

Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with.

9 years ago

Can you please provide us with a working link to your website with Quick View enabled, so we can inspect the actual situation on your side?