
Profile: toanhnt


User posts

5 years ago


version 4.2, how do I remove page title image from category page

nikola.dragiev wrote:

The Cloud Zoom Plugin has such functionality. You can see it here:

You can enable it from the Administration -> Nop-Templates -> Plugins -> Nop Cloud Zoom -> Settings -> General Settings and check the Enable Picture Thumbnails To Be In JCarousel checkbox.   

You can change the number of visible products to 8 by going to Configuration -> Settings -> All settings (advanced), then search for this setting: cloudzoomsettings.numberofpicturethumbnailsincarousel-venture and change i'ts value to 8.

Hi, Thank you for your response. But when cloudzoom enabled. All thumbnails jump to the bottom. and when thumbnails as carousel enabled, all thumbnails disappeared.

some of my products have over 20 images, this creates a long list of images on the left of product detail page. Is this possible to create up arrow on top and down arrow at bottom, and to show only 8 product images?

Thank you

5 years ago

nikola.dragiev wrote:
Be able to add link to info boxes. There's no good just to see image and text, most of the time users would want to click on the image

Thank you for the suggestion. We will definitely consider what you suggest.

Hi, About 2 weeks ago. I asked to enable info box link url in ticket system. Your support team said, you guys are working on this update. Do you know when this will be available?

Hi, After I upgraded to version 4.2, the JCarousel displaying manufacturers is no longer blur (overlay) like before. In version 4.0, the logos are blurred, then clear on hover. Is there a way I can get this feature in ver 4.2?


Is it possible if I want to make category collection of smart collection all to face from left to right? Also, if possible to have space between collections, maybe about 10px

5 years ago

Peter.Zhekov wrote:

Is it possible to easily remove box which appear on hover of products (with add to cart button), and get a view like in this template?

Hi Aviw,

This can be done if you add the following code in the 'Custom Head Styles' in your theme administration. Acctually this code will make the short description, the rating and the buttons always visible. Please include the code in the 'Custom head styles' and if this is not what you want to achieve write back for more support.  

@media all and (min-width: 1001px) {
.product-grid .item-box .add-info {
opacity: 1;
position: relative;
height: auto;
.product-grid .item-box .product-rating-box {
opacity: 1;
.product-grid .item-box .buttons {
position: relative !important;
.product-grid .item-box .buttons a:hover, .product-grid .item-box .buttons input[type="button"]:hover, .product-grid .item-box .buttons .ajax-cart-button-wrapper:hover * {
    height: 32px;
.product-grid .prices {
    margin-bottom: 10px;


Does this method work for version 4.2?

5 years ago

Hi, I have created a new category template (full width). Now I want to show 3 products per row. How can I achieve it?
My site is running on Emporium theme version 4.0
Thank you

Valentin wrote:
Greetings to all,

the localized URL`s for the info-boxes have been added in the Emporium theme and an update has been released.

If you update your theme, the changes will apply on your site too.

Have a nice day!

thank you for the change. Is there a way you can post how to implement the change here. My developer has made so many modifications to the theme. He said it will take much time for him to upload new theme and copy changes. Thanks

Hello toanhnt,

the required change is only in the theme`s plugin so you can replace only that and it will work. Make a back-up copy of it just in case, it is this folder:

~ Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins\SevenSpikes.Theme.Emporium

Then replace it with the same folder from the theme package that you downloaded.

Hope clarifies things a bit.

This change is available for version 4.1 only or 4.0 as well? Let me ask my developer if he can change it.

Valentin wrote:
Greetings to all,

the localized URL`s for the info-boxes have been added in the Emporium theme and an update has been released.

If you update your theme, the changes will apply on your site too.

Have a nice day!

thank you for the change. Is there a way you can post how to implement the change here. My developer has made so many modifications to the theme. He said it will take much time for him to upload new theme and copy changes. Thanks