
Profile: iliyan.tanev


User posts

9 years ago


You can hide it with display: none;. The div you should target is with picture-thumbs class.

9 years ago


Can you inspect the wrong styled element and tell us from where the styles that make it look wrong, are loaded ? 

You can use chrome debug tools to find the wrong styles and to get the path from where they are loaded. This image illustrates how to get the path to the styles.

9 years ago


If you need any help don't hesitate to ask.

9 years ago


Can you provide us with a link to your website ? 

9 years ago


Currently there is no automated way to do this, but you can do this by hand using the From date and To date settings in General Settings section of every ribbon.

9 years ago


Could you make sure that the plugin is updated to its latest version for 3.10 ?

9 years ago


No, it is not used. Probably you have used MegaMenu on older version on nopCommerce, when the setting was still present and you have updated to 3.40 and because we haven't created upgrade scripts after 3.30  the setting is still present in your database.

9 years ago


Maybe this article from our documentation will be of help to you.
The latest package could be downloaded from My Downloads page on your account.

9 years ago


Does this solve your problem ?


We understand that it could be a little confusing.
The idea of the default widget zone is to map every newly created attachment to the specified widget zone without you having to do it every time.