
Profile: hristian.dimov


User posts

prateek.shah wrote:
You can disable "Enable product looping" from the Prev/Next plugin administration. In this way the prev/next buttons will disappear when you have only 1 product.

It works fine if a category has one product.

In other categories, where there are more than one products things gets screwed up. If I reach end of product in that category the navigation arrows completely vanishes; No way to get them back. Something is not correct. Any idea, why its acting that way?

Many thanks.


We made a quick fix for this, when you have only one product in a category. Please download and update the plugin to the latest version following this article:


richie1319 wrote:
I installed the Facebook Shop plugin for main site, works great.
I am wondering if you could point me to the easiest solution to implement Facebook Shop for individual Vendors as well?


Unfortunately, this is not possible.

One potential option for you is to create a multi-store environment for each vendor with associated facebook app. But I personally don't recommend this solution, because it might lead to other problems.

Hope this helps!

nopadmin wrote:
Sure please see this example here


This is not available out of the box. The only way of doing this is to customize the MegaMenu.cshtml file. 

You can call @Html.Action("YourAction", "YourController", Model.YourModel) and this should return a view which will display the Industry labels with the appropriate markup. You can take for example, the manufacturers markup from ManufacturerMenuTemplate.WithoutPictures.cshtml.

Hope this helps!

prateek.shah wrote:

Is it possible to hide/disable previous/next product navigation arrows if there is only one product in the category?

If yes, how do I get it working?

Thanks in advance.

- Pratik


You can disable "Enable product looping" from the Prev/Next plugin administration. In this way the prev/next buttons will disappear when you have only 1 product.

9 years ago

justinhof wrote:
How can I make the top menu stick similar to other themes like Nitro? I have switched the doesDesktopHeaderMenuStick to true in the script, but this did not change the functionality of the menu.



Actually setting the doesDesktopHeaderMenuStick to true is enough to have the sticky menu. But you need to have a css styling in order to see the menu. Here is a simple styling for showing the menu:

.header-menu.stick {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  background-color: #000;

Hope this helps!

9 years ago

IvanSlater wrote:
When it loads all payment methods, it ignores the HidePaymentMethod method from plugins, so hidden payments are displayed!

Please fix.


Hi IvanSlater,

Thanks for reporting this!

Actually, this has been fixed a couple of days ago, but it wasn't merged in 3.50 version. Anyway, we merged it, so please download and update the plugin to the latest version following this article:

9 years ago

vietinini wrote:
Is there any way to keep the search product attribute in a cookie so that we don't loose it when we keep browsing ?

Hi vietinini,

Could you please elaborate on this? It will be good if you can provide an example of what you are trying to achieve.

Looking forward to your reply!

9 years ago

vietinini wrote:
It would be nice to be able to set the sorting order (Ascending/descending) by attributes

Hi vietinini,

Currently there is no such way do to this.

Please suggest your idea to our UserVoice portal, and if the people vote for it we will implement it.

winebear wrote:
We are setting up a wine store. Most wine comes in a standard bottle size (75cl) but you can also get half bottles and magnums for many of the wines we will be selling. We can use product variants to handle this, but since most people will want to see the standard 75cl bottle price, we only want to show the 75cl price on the products grid page, rather than "from £[price of cheapest variant]".

Additionally, we want to offer discounts for buying a case (12 bottles) or half case (6 bottles). Again, in the product listing page, we just want so show the single bottle price, possibly with some text that says "discounts available for case / half case".
We are using the Traction Theme and Ajax Filters.
Is there a way to achieve this with standard nop, or do I need to make some customizations to the nopCommerce code, or is this not possible due to the fact that the data is returned by Ajax Filters?
Note I have posted a similar question on the nopCommerce forums ( but as yet I have not had a response.

Thanks in advance.

Hi winebear,

About the first question - you can create a product attribute, for example Bottle size, and create 2 values for it: Half bottle with price adjustment -5$ and Magnums with price adjustment +10$. In this way, only on product page the customers will be able to choose what type they want to buy. An addition to this, you can enable catalogsettings.dynamicpriceupdateajax and catalogsettings.enabledynamicpriceupdate settings to that the price will be updated when the customers choose the type of bottle they want.

About the second question - one of possible way to show custom text over the product will be use the Product Ribbons plugin. 
For the discounts of the products when buying a 12 bottles or 6 bottles, you can use the Tier pricing. Simply, create 2 records, for example:

Quantity 6 with Price 20 and Quantity 12 with Price 18.

Another possible solution for this is to change the PriceCalculation service, so that the prices in the nopCommerce will be calculated by your logic.

Hope this helps!

9 years ago

h.k.foysol wrote:
I was trying to find if it has been posted before but could not find any. So here is what my customer has asked for. They should be able to filter product based on product review. Currently Nop Ajax Filter does not include review. Any plan to implement that soon?


Hi foysol,

currently we are very busy with the upgrading our plugins & themes to the new 3.60 version. 

After we finish with the upgrade, we will consider implementing the most voted features in our User Voice portal, so please suggest your idea there.
