
Profile: hristian.dimov


User posts

10 years ago

porcelanosa wrote:
but i currently dont use vertical slider with 2 products and i cant change it atm...


this is because the vertical jCarousel is styled to show only 1 item at once. If you want to show 2 products you need to change the css. Open the Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.JCarousel\Themes\DefaultClean\Content\JCarousel.css find :

.nop-jcarousel .jcarousel-clip-vertical {
    height: 250px;

and change it to:

.nop-jcarousel .jcarousel-clip-vertical {
    height: 500px;

NOTE: If you want to show 3 products the height should be 750px, for 4 products - 1000px and so on ( Number_of_products * 250 )

Hope this helps!

10 years ago

final_thrill wrote:
It seems to be an order of operations issue where inside a plugin, the page is loaded first then the scripts.  It needs to be the other way around. 

Did you managed to fix your issue? If not, please provide a link to your website and more information of what custom plugin you are using ?


10 years ago

porcelanosa wrote:
Hello, so i have this bug (showed on picture) with your plugin, im on 3.4 version, link is below:
thanks in advance

Bug doesnt happen if using only 1 product

Could you please give us a link to your website so we can investigate what the problem is?

10 years ago

final_thrill wrote:
I have the Instant Search plugin running on a 3.1 site.  The problem I'm running into is all of my views pages from custom plugins cause the following javascript error with the instant search:

Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
on Line:
var autocomplete = $("#small-searchterms").kendoAutoComplete(

My guess was that my plugin needed to reference the keno javascript libraries in Seven Spikes core.  So I added this to my view page:

Html.AddScriptParts("~/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Core/Scripts/kendo.public.min.js");                  Html.AddScriptParts("~/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Core/Scripts/adminAnimatedCollapse.js");
Html.AddScriptParts("~/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Core/Scripts/animatedcollapse.js");                Html.AddScriptParts("~/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Core/Scripts/SevenSpikesExtensions.js");

Its loading those libraries however, it didn't fix the error, so I'm at a loss at this point.

Any ideas?

Hi final_thrill,

can you please make sure that the JQuery library is included before the kendo scripts?

10 years ago

RonM wrote:
A customer wants to have the Nop-Sliders display below a small text block on the home page. I thought the easy way to do this was to create a HTML Widget, have it display on home-top zone with display order of 0, and then set the NOP Slider to display on home-top with display order 1.  This did not work, as the slider still displays on top of the HTML Widget. Does the display order not work between widgets? What would be another way to accomplish this?

Hi Ron,

you can control the plugins display order from the Administration -> Content Management -> Widgets. Simply, set the Nop Html Widgets display order to be 0 and Nop Anywhere Sliders to be 1 ( don't forget to clear the cache after changing the order ).

Hope this helps!

10 years ago

kaka135 wrote:

This feature really makes sense and will be very useful.
Using the customer's location is also a good idea, so we will need to consider all possible options.
We could plan it for our next sprint after the holidays and a realistic release date would be around 10-15 January. But I will be able to provide more information after the holidays when the whole team is back in the office.

Hope this would work for you!

I'd like to check with you, if I am buying the plugin now, will I be able to get the feature you added for the search later? It'd be good if I can purchase the plugin with the coupon code now.

Thank you.


with every purchase you get 1 year of free support and upgrades for the plugin / theme ( since the purchase date ). This means that every new feature within that year will be included and available for download.

Hope this helps!

10 years ago

joster wrote:

The demo shows the plugin functioning outside of a nopcommerce site..without the header, footer and left/right columns. Is it possible that the knowledgebase can appear within a nopcommerce site so my header and footer are still visible?


Hi joster,

The plugin uses its own layout with a very simple header and footer. You can change the plugin's layout ( \Views\Shared\_Knowledgebase.Layout.cshtml ) to be exactly as your theme's layout and it will look as part of your web site.

Hope this helps!

10 years ago

howyaboss wrote:
Hi I am using a motion theme and i really like it. I would however like to change the width of the nivo slider i have on the home page to 980 pixels instead of the standard 100%.

I have tried two things.

1) I have changed all the references of width to (width: 980;) in the nivo-slider.css.
2) i also tried adding the folloinwg code to the custom header box in the motion theme settings page

.nivoSlider a.nivo-imageLink {
    width: 980;

neither of these worked for me. As i am not an expert in css I was wondering if anybody could point me to an easy way of doing this?

Hi Tommy,

add this css code to Custom Head Styles in the Motion Settings:

.slider-wrapper {
  margin: auto;
  width: 980px;

This will make the slider to be centered with 980px width.

Hope this helps!

10 years ago

ngsrl wrote:
i've bought and installed NopQuickTabs plugin with the versione 3.4.1068.14185 for NopCOmmerce 3.40.

I followed the doc online for the installation of the plugin.
After installing SevenSpikes.Core first and then SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs, i recive error of "page not found" when i click on Plugin -> NopQuickTab - >Settings

If can help i've another error when i click on "configuration" in the plugin list on NopQuickTab plugin.

Hi ngsrl,

We have replied to your ticket. Please do not duplicate forum posts and tickets submitted.

svdhorst wrote:
The following error is presented when saving the configuration of Nop Attachements:

The ViewData item that has the key 'WidgetZone' is of type 'System.String' but must be of type 'IEnumerable<SelectListItem>'.

Hi svdhorst,

please refer to this post: