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Sir Please let me  get  solutions soon so that I could Proceed to the further process. Waiting for your Reply . Thank You

Hello All!
  I have a great Problem ; I am working on Nopcommerce Version 3.20 Where i am making some addition in ProductTemplates.simple.cshtml ie

Sorry i can't paste all my code over this block  i have added in nopcommerce site please refer to the link below

all this code works easily in runtime mode I mean in Localhost but the main problem occur when I publish Nop.web in Release-Any CPU configuration my code works an gives result but after adding Some Plugins like Ajax filter and Ajax cart the  doesnot works

Ajax cart gives error like this Request for page nopcommerce/NopAjaxCartShoppingcart/AddProductTocartAjax Failed
AJax filter load filter data but none check event neither Price filter nor Grid and Position event works .
Please help me we are in final stage and our deadline are closer . please help me ..........
I am using Trial Version ; i am yet to Purchase ..

Hello Sir / Madam !
             As our Organisation are working on Ecommerce Site we are in development Phase were we made certain change in Nop.web File and Added Some javascript function  related to specific page. Then we Publish The Nop.Web File in Release- any CPU Configuration . After Publisihing in Server's Localhost Environment  we installed Nop Ajax Filter then after ajax filter show the data but filtration Does not work  i mean any click event of check box does not work and even Price slider also doesn't work .
        Sir/madam we are at last phase of development we need Ajax filter Plugin and many more please help us in development.