
Profile: kamyarp


User posts

12 years ago

Is RTL Theme ready ? If not when is it ready ?

Please inform me about that . thanks..

12 years ago

Boyko wrote:

Thank you again for pointing these out and for the link with the resources. We are working to fix these issues and will let you know when we are done.

Many thanks again!

Thank you for all the help you have given me with my website.

I especially appreciate the information and advice you have provided, and the contacts you have shared with me. Your assistance has been invaluable to me during this process.

Again, thank you so much. I greatly appreciate your cooperation.

Best Regards,
Kamyar Parvaneh

12 years ago

I have 2 approach for test the theme :

1) In English language configuration I checked the right to left checkbox. and test the theme.

2) I use the following language resource that you can download it.

I find some other problem in RTL ShopAll Theme

1) Default Contact Us Page not rtl.
2) Advance Search in Forums.
3) Menu of "My Account" page .(Text of menu not rtl)

thank you very much

Best Regards
Kamyar Parvaneh

12 years ago


I test some part of new version of ShopAll Theme , in RTL Mode has some problem ,

1. Default menu (Not MegaMenu) not support rtl .
2. Mini Shopping Cart top of page , dose not open in its place , it open at the right place of page.
3. Step1 , Step2 of Checkout's Steps has problem in RTL mode.
4. In Product List , Where "Sort by" , "Display per page" and "View as" is placed. in rtl page when  language is Arabic not shown truly. In Category Product List  has problem but in Manufacture Product List has no problem.

best regards
Kamyar Parvaneh

12 years ago

Hi Boyko

Can you tell me approximately when it is ready?
Thank you for very good support .

12 years ago

I bought this theme in multi domain license .
how can I make it RTL ?
do you make it for me RTL?
I want it support right to left for arabic and another right to left languages.
