Sorry the link should be working now.
I guess there must be something in a script that will need changing, I took a look at the public.ajaxcart.js but to no avail.
It seems to be working okay on another site I have using ajax cart, so I think I must have changed something within the code.
I did compare the two and I can't see any differences so it's quite annoying!
I haven't made any direct changes to the ajax cart plugin or files other than the CSS.
Here is a link to a product page where you can have a look
Thank you
Thank you for the reply.
The only real issue with this is it does not update the cart quantity when its in a smaller viewport, is there a way to correct this?
I'm currently making my template responsive and have come across something very strange.
When my site is viewed in a viewport above 1024 pixels the cart quantity updates accordingly without having to refresh the page.
When the page is below 1024 I get a completely different button and it doesn't update the quantity. I just get the bar at the top of the page notifying its been added to the cart.
This is the button I get when the page is above 1024:
<input type="button" value="Add to cart" class="button-1 add-to-cart-button nopAjaxCartProductVariantAddToCartButton" data-productid="64452">
<input type="button" id="add-to-cart-button-64452" class="add-to-cart-button" value="Add to cart" data-productid="64452" onclick="AjaxCart.addproducttocart_details('/addproducttocart/details/64452/1', '#product-details-form');return false;">
Brilliant, I'll go through that process and see how it ends up!
Thank a lot and great customer service as always!
I've made major adjustments to the Fashion theme so when the browser is resized the responsive site completely messes up the layout of the site.
I can't find a setting anywhere to turn off the responsive design?
Thank you
Shortly after I posed I did figure it out but thank you for the reply :)
Great plugins!
I'm trying to create a certain look and want to use the Slider plugin to just display a static image and then change that image when it hits another category its mapped to.
So is it possible to disable it to stop looking for another slide or refreshing? Because when it does refresh it covers up the image I have placed on top of the slider.
Any ideas?
Thank you for the reply!
The templates and plugins were ordered under a different account, my bosses!
I'll go look at them files now, thank you again.
I have edited the quick-view and cloud-zoom plugins to work with images pulled from a server.
Everything is working fine but when choosing a different attribute for example a different colour option for a product, it displays the same image for every different colour.
Any ideas or what script/view needs editing?
Thank you