
Profile: baloghc


User posts

7 years ago

As an update, it appears that adjusting the “Customer Reminders” to run once per day has resolved some issues. Yesterday it sent out 39 emails, with no duplicates.

We have this current configuration:

Number of Messages to Send Per Customer: 1
Condition Met Date Later Than: 30 days
Condition Met Date Earlier Than: 24 hours
Interval Between Messages: 60 days

One customer who received an email yesterday did as well on Monday. This is one issue I see with the current setup.

If a customer edits their cart at any time, does the plugin reset the counter and considers this a “new” cart to keep track of?

If so, I think we need to adjust the Condition Met Date Earlier Than to a longer period than 24 hours, maybe 72 hours or more, so that customer’s do not get an email every day.

I appreciate the help!

7 years ago

We're looking to set this up so that customers receive 1 notification only. This will occur only if their cart has been abandoned for at least 24 hours but not more than 30 days.

Is this configuration correct?

Number Of Messages To Send Per Customer: 1
Condition Met Date Later Than: 30 days
Condition Met Date Earlier Than: 1 day
Interval Between Messages: 1 minutes

We're noticing multiple emails in the queue going out to the same customer. Some customers received 4 emails within an hour or so. I adjusted the task to only run once per day in the interim, but something doesn't seem configured properly here.

Nop 3.6
SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.CustomerReminders, Version=3.6.1862.23533, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

7 years ago

Using this plugin on Nop 3.7 with the ArtFactory Theme installed.
How does the Full Description checkbox override the stock NOP full description?

We currently have it set to show in the QuickTabs but now it is displaying twice. (See screenshot)

Any help is greatly appreciated!

7 years ago

I need help making a modification to the Instant Search plugin.  

The problem is we have the trademark symbol in some of our product names(&#174).  I need to find a way to encode this in the InstantSearch.cshtml view.  

I need to modify this line...
'<div class="title">${ data.Name }</div>' +

but I'm not sure with that kendo code how to do it.  Please advise.


7 years ago

Okay, thank you.

I will post in the NOP forums to see if there is a way we could add code in order to override that selected default for a particular # of categories.

7 years ago

We are using Ajax Filters on 3.7 and see the options for Default Product Sort Option. The issue we're having is, we only want four category's sorted by CreatedOn, while the rest are default sorted by the Display Order (Position) which is stock NopCommerce.

Is this possible when using this plugin?

8 years ago

That's what I assumed but wanted to verify. Thank you for the response!

8 years ago


We're having a complicated issue where we have code within the CloudZoom.cshtml that needs to render on mobile.

It is placed within the

<div class="picture-wrapper"><div class="picture">

divs, which would need to render on mobile in place of the stock "picture" div in _ProductDetailsPictures.cshtml

Is it possible to port over code from the new version of the plugin to make the plugin on 3.6 responsive?

8 years ago

This may be a question for the NopCommerce forums, but I posted it there without any replies as of yet. So I figured I'd give this a shot.

We use Google feedburner to alert subscribers of new blog posts, but our RSS feed ( is too large. It's not a Blogger blog so appending (?max-results=1) to the end is not a solution.

Is there a way to provide Feedburner with a summary feed, instead of the full content of our (currently) 156 posts?

8 years ago

What about having a "Related Products" option just like the "Related Blog Posts" tab it currently has? Since these are eCommerce sites it would be cool to be able to associate maybe 1-3 products at the bottom of a post since most of the time the blog will be referring to products we offer.

That was we can talk about a product then at the bottom it could say "In this blog" with 1-3 item boxes of the products that were discussed. What do you think? Just an idea!