
Profile: baloghc


User posts

10 years ago

This worked. Thank you for all your help!

10 years ago

Thank you! Yes it is live:

I wanted to change clearance to have a red background.

10 years ago

What would be the process for changing the background for a single menu item (.mega-menu > li)

For example, in out mega-menu we have categories and one is a clearance section. We would like to change only the background of that item to a different color.

Would this only be possible through the use of jquery?

10 years ago

One small change seemed to correct this.
I changed the min-width to zero

@media screen and (min-width: 0px)

in the megamenu.css file

10 years ago

Is there a way to turn off the responsive design of the mega menu? We unchecked the option for allowing responsive themes on the back end but the mega menu is still responsive.

10 years ago

Perfect. Thank you.

10 years ago

One of our sliders opens a PDF file. Is it possible to have it open in a new tab/window?

I'm trying to do this in 3.2 but it's not working.

What are the edits to the Index.cshtml & styles.css files?

Thank you.

10 years ago

Thank you for the reply. Lesson learned the hard way!

10 years ago


We are unable to install the Nop Ultimate Plugin Collection due to the following error from SQL Server 2005.

Cannot find data type TIME

Is the 3.3 release not compatible with SQL Server 2005? It seems that this data type is not supported.

Thank you.