My website is
I think the response time is 186ms
Page loading takes around 3 seconds and nothing is displayed to the visitor until the full page is loaded and it's displayed at once.
I'm asking if there's a way to display images as soon as they're downloaded.
The home page loading time is big.
Is there any way that downloaded parts of the page be displayed to the user rather than waiting until all page elements are downloaded?
When inputting some letters for instant search, the results window is shifted way to the right on (Firefox and IE) and is just fine on Chrome
How can I solve this?
I have upgraded Nop Playground Theme from V3.20 to V3.30
However, I cannot find the SmartSEO plugin.
Where can I get it from?
if ($("#isRtlEnabled").val() == "false") {
$('.home-page .topic-html-content-title h2 > span').lettering();
$('.home-page .topic-html-content-title h2 > span').lettering();
I think that this is due to the font itself, that it doesn't support Arabic?
.page-title h1 > span {
margin-left: 3px;
margin-right: 0;