Hi Jose,
I looked at your site and I could not reproduce the problems you have described in your post.
There is one issue however which is not strange at all. You have one slider on all the pages except the category page which is trying to render images that are referenced from localhost(http://localhost/content/images/thumbs/0003608.jpeg, http://localhost/content/images/thumbs/0003609.jpeg), which is incorrect. The slider on category pages uses images that are referenced correctly via your domain name(http://www.spininc.com/content/images/thumbs/0003608.jpeg, http://www.spininc.com/content/images/thumbs/0003609.jpeg).
Can you please make sure that you have cleared nopCommerce'c cache from the administration. Do you have just one slider mapper to the left_column_before widget zone. Do you have any store, category mappings for this slider.
We have already replied to you from our support email, so any details regarding this issue you can also send there.
As to the other issue you have described related to the Nop Mega Menu, I could not reproduce it.
Looking forward to your reply!
With the Nop Mega Menu you can show categories up to 3 levels of depth. This can be done if you uncheck the "Show products in a single menu" and use the CategoriesWithPictures option for showing the categories. How many levels of categories you need to display. We think that is confusing for clients if a site has more than 3 levels of depth and that is why the Nop Mega Menu show only the first 3 levels of depths, which appear as more major categories.
The solution that you have found will not work as it uses an old version of the Nop Mega Menu which used to build all categories no matter whether they were displayed or not, which was a crucial performance bottleneck.
Hope that makes sense!
You can refer to our How Do I article related to updating a plugin to its latest version. After that you should uninstall and install the Nop Ajax Filters plugin so that the new stored procedure that is used for filtering gets created.
Please let us know if you have any troubles updating the plugin.
Best Regards!
These widgets are valid for the Nop Fashion Theme and not the Nop NeoFashion Theme. The widget zone that is used for the home page main slider in the Nop NeoFashion Theme is home_page_slider_top . You can have a look at our online documentation for the theme.
Hope that helps!
As you know we do not provide source code, so you will not be able to modify the JCarouselModel.
You can add your logic in the view itself on the Model.Items property which will contain the products returned for a given data source type.
Or if you are more familiar with MVC you can create your own controller and add your logic there, have a view from which you can call a specific action from the JCarousel and passing an IEnumerable<ProductOverviewModel> which will be rotated in the carousel.
Please let us know if you need help with the second option with the action and the custom controller.
Best Regards!
Hi Philip,
You can achieve the center by applying the changes as shown below:
.bottomline .center {
width: 980px;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: center;
The line from above in bold is the one that should be added.
.footer-disclaimer {
/*float: left;*/
.footer-poweredby {
/*float: right;*/
The two floats above in bold are the ones that should be changed(actually commented out).
All these styles you can find in the styles.css
Hope that helps!
We have identified this bug and already fixed it. You can integrate the fix by editing the Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AnywhereSliders/Themes/{Theme_Name}/Content/nivo/nivo.css, where {Theme_Name} is the name of the theme from which the css is loaded. In your case most probably will be DefaultClean, as shown below:
change from
.nivoSlider {
background:#fff url(loading.gif) no-repeat 50% 50%;
.nivoSlider {
background: url(loading.gif) no-repeat 50% 50%;
The change is removing the background #ff . After that clear your browser's cache and refresh the page.
Hope that helps!