Hi rama,
This will change the title in all product listings like products on category, manufacturer pages, featured and home page products. I think this is better so that all the product listings titles look the same. Just increase the "24px" to something bigger what you want.
I just wanted to make sure that this is your intent.
Best Regards!
Hi Chris,
Thank you for your feedback.
Can you please send a screenshot to our support email and give a little more information about the plugin:
1. Which version do you use.
2. When have you downloaded the plugin.
3. Have you made any modifications
Thanks in advance!
p.s. I can see that your store is currently closed, so it will be of great help if you can send us an admin account and allow admin accounts to browse the shop in order to see the problem live and fix it quicker.
Can you specify on which featured products do you want to increase the font size. As you know every category and manufacturer can have featured products that are displayed on category or manufacturer page.
For these products you should add the following
font-size: 15px;
If you want the change the products displayed on the home page, you should add the following:
font-size: 15px;
After you make the changes please press Ctrl + F5 in order to clear your browser's cache.
Hi dublicator,
Unfortunately it is not easy, in fact it will be very hard, to add it by hand, because the whole logic of the filters should be changed. As you know the specification, attribute, manufacturer and price range filters interact with each other, so adding a new filtering group is not straightforward at all. Furthermore vendor logic in nopCommerce is developed to be in use only in the administration and in the public part of the store, users cannot recognize whether one product is from one vendor or another.
You can propose this feature in our user voice portal and if customers see value in adding vendors to the ajax filters we will consider implementing it in the filters by default.
Thank you for your suggestion!
Hi rama,
If you want to change the font-size of the featured products only, you can do this via the featured-product-grid selector.
Please add the following to your ~/Themes/NeoFashion/Content/css/styles.css file:
font-size: 15px;
for example, which will make the font-size 15px.
Should you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Hi Chris,
The error you receive is due to not having a skin for the nivo slider in the administration of the plugin. Can you please download the plugin again and replace your plugin with the one from the downloaded package. The please double check what skin you have set in the administration for the given slider.
If the error still exists please send an email to our support email with credentials to your db if possible so that we can further investigate why you miss this setting in your slider.
Best Regards!
Hi Haas,
As some of our products use the Catalog service, they will break if you change its constructor. If you want to use any other service or setting you can use property injection, instead of constructor injection. So instead of adding your new service in the constructor, you can do the following:
private IMyService _myService;
public IMyService MyService
if (_myService == null)
return EngineContext.Current.Resolve<IMyService>();
return _myService;
Hope that helps. Please let us know if the errors still occur.
Hi Roland,
Thank you for your feedback. We will check and fix this a.s.a.p.
We will let you know when we are done!
Thanks again!
Hi Steve,
Looking at the error I assume that it has been produced by the block of code which tries to upgrade the Nop Customer Reminders plugin. It appears that somehow the [Store] table could not be found. This table is generated by the nopCommerce upgrade script from 2.8 to 3.0 or when on a clean install it is installed by nopCommerce.
Can you please double check whether the [Store] table is present in your database on which you get the [SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid object name 'dbo.Store'.] exception.
The upgrade script should be run only when upgrading from version 2.8 to 3.0. In the second case you have described, when you have a clean install of nopCommerce 3.0 version, you do not need to run the upgrade script, but just install the plugins for version 3.0.
Looking forward to your reply.