
Profile: Support


User posts

12 years ago

Showoff how you have integrated the Nop Quick View plugin in your store to the community.

12 years ago

Hi s.jaspreet,

Thank you for your feedback. We have fixed this issue. In order to integrate the fix just open the ~/Themes/Jewelry/Views/Content/css/styles.css and add the following:

.topic-page .page-body ul{
    padding: 20px;

.topic-html-content-body ul{
    padding: 20px;

Best Regards!

12 years ago

Hi drcomputer,

Open the ~/Themes/Electronics/Views/Shared/_ColumnsTwo.cshtml view.

You need to add the following code to the file on line 37 before the
<div class="master-wrapper-side-2"> line.

@if (IsSectionDefined("MainSlider"))

<div class="master-wrapper-side-2">

Thus if you have a slider for the home page only it will be displayed below the header as it is when the home page is three columns.

12 years ago

Hi milo,

Thank you for your feedback!

We will update our css in order to make it more clear and easy to use and will include it in a future release. For now I can propose to you a solution that I think will help you in your situation.

1. One way is to set the link color from the Html Editor of the topic when writing the topic. This will override any other color set from a css file.

2. The other way is to write a new css class that will apply only for topics. For example the following:

.topic-html-content-body a
    color: red;

thus all the links in a topic will be red, and not the default black.

Hope that helps!

Hi milo,

You should also use the new registerUrl when the Register button is clicked on the Login page.

So to do that open the ~/Themes/Fashion/Views/Customer/Login.cshtml file and update the following two:

line 116: <input type="submit" class="registerbutton button-oval gray" onclick="location.href='@registerUrl'" value="@T("Account.Register")" />

and the following line:

line 139: <input type="submit" value="@T("Account.Register")" class="registerbutton button-oval gray" onclick="location.href='@registerUrl'" />

The text in bold is the new one that should be changed. So use the registerUrl variable instead of Url.RouteUrl("Register")

Hope that helps!

12 years ago

You can post here anything regarding the Dark Orange Theme.

12 years ago

If you have problems with the Dark Orange Theme please post them here.

12 years ago

Your feedback for any improvements to Dark Orange Theme is more than welcomed.

Help make Nop-Templates products better by sharing your ideas and vote for other ideas via Nop-Templates UserVoice portal.

12 years ago

kamyarp wrote:

I test some part of new version of ShopAll Theme , in RTL Mode has some problem ,

1. Default menu (Not MegaMenu) not support rtl .
2. Mini Shopping Cart top of page , dose not open in its place , it open at the right place of page.
3. Step1 , Step2 of Checkout's Steps has problem in RTL mode.
4. In Product List , Where "Sort by" , "Display per page" and "View as" is placed. in rtl page when  language is Arabic not shown truly. In Category Product List  has problem but in Manufacture Product List has no problem.

best regards
Kamyar Parvaneh

Hi Kamyar,

Thank you for the feedback!
We will check these issues but could you point us to the exact resources that you have used, so that we can test with them. A link to where we can download them will be much appreciated!

Many thanks!

12 years ago

kamyarp wrote:
Hi Boyko

Can you tell me approximately when it is ready?
Thank you for very good support .

Hi kamyarp,

It is already done. You need to download the theme package again and simply replace the ShopAll theme folder with the new one from the latest package.
Please note that we are also adding RTL support in all our plugins at the moment, which should be complete in a few days, so you might need to download and upgrade the plugins when we are done.Please let us know if you have any problems with the RTL version of the ShopAll theme.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team