
Profile: Support


User posts

12 years ago

Hi Greg,

As we had changed the widget zone name of the Nop Mega Menu plugin, you should update that in your public view as well. Please open your ~/Themes/Fashion/Views/Shared/_Root.cshtml and find the  
        var menu = @Html.Widget("fashion_header_menu");

and change it to

        var menu = @Html.Widget("theme_header_menu");

Also please check whether the Nop Mega Menu plugin is activated as a widget.

As to the administration of the theme, you can see only 4 plugins listed in the Plugins Integration Settings tab, because all other plugins are integrated via the widget support, meaning if they are activated as widget they will be shown in the theme. This is the case with the Nop Mega Menu.

Hope that helps!

12 years ago

Hi Mike,

Thank you for your observation. The category description did appear twice. We have fixed that. In order to integrate the fix you can either download the latest theme from your My Account section and replace the ~/Themes/Electronics/Views/Catalog/CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml file with the one from the package or just open it in a text editor and remove the following lines:

line: 74 @*description*@
         @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.Description))
            <div class="category-description-7Spikes">
line: 80 }

Hope that helps!

Please let us know if you find any difficulties.

12 years ago


You can use whatever link you like. It does not matter if it is a hard-coded link, a link built from an mvc route or from an action. It just needs to be in a <li> element. So for example you can add something like this:

<li><a href="">My Site</a></li>

If you want to use a topic, you can see the documentation for the plugin and use the "TopicBlock" action.

As to the settings, you do not need to bother about them - these settings are taken from the administration of the Nop Mega Menu so that the correct links are rendered depending on the options enabled in the administration of the plugin.

But as your custom links will not have any administration, you do not need to take into consideration any settings.

Hope that helps!

12 years ago


Thank you for considering our products!
Would you mind writing to our sales team about your request?
Please do let them know how exactly you intend to use the software. For example use it to service your clients in some way or resell it.


12 years ago

Hi Alex,

Would it be able to specify more details about the error. You can see it in the System -> Log menu of your site.

Or you can send us an admin credentials for the site in a separate email in order to see what the problem might be and fix the error.


12 years ago

Hi pdesignz,

You can easily add any other links in the menu in the same way like you have added a new topic. Open the MegaMenu.cshtml view as stated in the documentation and in the <ul> add a new <li> element with the link.

For example if you want to add a link to the forum, just add the following line of code inside the <ul> element:

<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Boards")">@T("Forum.Forums")</a></li>

If you need any further help please let us know!

12 years ago

Hi Greg,

We have introduced a new Data source type "Sub Categories" which will display all subcategories of the current category. If it is not in your list with available Data source types, you should download the plugin/theme package again and replace the SevenSpikes.Core plugin folder and the SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.JCarousel plugin folder with the one from the downloaded package.

Then you can reinstall the Nop JCarousel plugin(this will delete any created jcarousels) or just replace it without reinstalling(thus some locale resources might be missing from the administration for the new features).

It might be a good idea after replacing the two plugins to modify your Global.asax file by adding an empty space at the end to trigger full application restart.

If you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us again.

12 years ago

Hi Steve,

Enabling the default category navigation should not disable the categories header menu. It is strange that this happens on your site. If you can give us a link and admin credentials in a separate email we will have a look and see what the issue might be.

As to the new Nop Mega Menu plugin, it has been integrated in the Nop Electronics theme, so it comes for free for everyone with a valid license. So you just download the theme again from your My Account section and in the package for the 2.65 version you will see the new plugin. The old Nop Categories Header menu is still in the theme package, so you can choose which one to use. They both can be enabled along with the default category navigation.

If you haven't made any severe modifications, we strongly recommend to replace the whole theme and all the plugins for version 2.65 as there were quite new improvements in the plugins and the theme itself.

If yo intend to use only the new plugin, please copy it as well as the SevenSpikes.Core plugin and install it following the documentation.

If you need any further help please do not hesitate to contact us again.

12 years ago

Hi Scot,

The currency and language dropdowns were styled several days ago and the fix had been uploaded on our site. You should download the theme package again and replace all the files with the new ones. If you have made any modifications please let us know, so that we can tell you exactly which files to add/overwrite in order not to lose your changes.

The phone and email in the header are taken from localized resources. You can find them from Administration -> Configuration -> Languages and for the language click on the "View Resources" link. There with the filter by name you can find the following resources and change their values: SevenSpikes.Themes.Jewelry.Common.HeaderContacts.Phone , SevenSpikes.Themes.Jewelry.Common.HeaderContacts.EmailName , SevenSpikes.Themes.Jewelry.Common.HeaderContacts.EmailDomain

If you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us again,

12 years ago

Hi hitnet,

By design we show three products per line, but if there are a lot more, we agree that a lot of space will be allocated. Your suggestion is quite good. You can propose it for voting on our user voice portal and we will implement if the community think this will add more value to the theme.

Thanks for your suggestion!