embryo wrote:I am having some issues with the electronics theme after moving it to my dedicated server.
Hi embryo,
Please check all of the followings:
1. Make sure your Settings.txt file has this line:
MultipleActiveResultSets=TrueIt is very important that to be set to
True2. Please check that your application has access rights to the Content\Images folder.
As you have moved to a dedicated sever the access right needs to be set.
3. The zoom seems to be working fine on the link you have provided. It is not Zooming as your images has a very low resolution. Please note that in order for the Zoom to work correctly and not stretch or blur the images you have to use images with higher quality in terms of size. Please try with an image that is 500x500 px for example and you will see.
Please let us know how it goes!
Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team