
Profile: Support


User posts

12 years ago

Showoff how you have integrated the Nop JCarousel plugin in your store to the community.

12 years ago

Help make Nop-Templates products better. Share your ideas or feature requests related to the Nop JCarousel plugin for nopCommerce.

bubli wrote:
is there a way how to add product to cart from catalog page if the product has multiple variants? I tried to forcefully set Model.ProductPrice.DisableBuyButton to false so button is always generated, but this shows just one (first) product variant. I'd like to see a list of all variants there.

PS: I'm using Nop Ajax Cart integrated with Nop Fashion Theme (2.6)

You could try to modify the Multi Product Variants mini details view template in order to show more variants.

At the moment both templates are the same as the Single Variant.
Please let us know if you manage to make this work.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

12 years ago

Hi Yves,

Could you check if the Cache for the Categories Header Menu is enabled.
Your web site has quite a lot of categories, so you should definitely set Enable Cache in the Categories Header Menu settings page in the Administration.

Please let us know if this fixes the problem.

Best Regards,

Nop-Templates Support Team

Hi Joel,

Could you check if the Cache for the Categories Header Menu is enabled.
Your web site has more than 1100 categories, so you should definitely set Enable Cache in the Categories Header Menu settings page in the Administration.

Please let us know if this fixes the problem.

Best Regards,

Nop-Templates Support Team

joellister wrote:

I am using the Electronics theme and have upgraded from NOP 2.3 to 2.6.  Since the upgrade I have very slow loading of pages of around 35-45 seconds.  I have both the new site and the old 2.3 version of the site running side by side on the same set of servers (one for web and one for sql database).  The old site runs fine in terms of performance, so I think that this problem is due to the upgrade.  Also if I switch from Electronics theme to either of the default nop themes (classic or Dark Orange) then the pages load much faster. This suggests to me that the problem is the new version of the Electronics theme.

Can you suggest where I should look to solve the performance issue?

Many thanks.


Hi Joel,

Could you answer the following questions, so that we can trace that and see where the problem is.
1. Which pages are loading 35-45 seconds i.e Home page, Catalog pages or Product pages?
2. When you switch to the DarkOrange or Classic theme then what is the load time of the same pages?
3. Could you install a brand new copy of nopCommerce 2.6 on the same server and see the performance?

We could never be 100% sure that the problem is not in the theme but our Demo web site is running fine without any performance issues. Also our developers haven't noticed any performance issues while testing the theme.

Please give us as much information as possible, so that we can investigate these issues.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

Release cycle
12 years ago

bubli wrote:
I noticed that beside "major" releases that comes with every new version of nopCommerce you also release "minor" releases with bug fixes. Are there release notes available somewhere?
The thing is that now I download the package from this website from time to time and notice that the size of the file changed from previous download. Then I have to perform diff using some tool to find out what actually changed.
What would be REALLY cool if you could publish some kind of SCM repository (preferably Mercurial ;-)) with templates/plugins so we can integrate theese changes easily using well-known tools and operations. (Nowadays it's really hard to integrate the changes especially when I changed provided templates previously)

Anyhow, you are doing great job!

Hi bubli,

Thank you for your feedback it is much appreciated.
When we have a bug fix, a small code improvement or any optimization we do upload a new version, so that any new clients can directly use the latest version.
The deployment of the latest packages is part of our continuous integration and we can ship a new version at any time (after a successful build and all tests pass) within a few minutes, which is good but as you correctly pointed it could be a bit frustrating when you notice some changes and don't know what they are. After a new release of nopCommerce there are days in which we upload a new improved version more than 3-4 times per day. This lasts around a week or two after we release the new versions and then we usually upload new versions only on customer requests for bug fixes. Probably one per week or one per two-three weeks. We do try not to make any breaking changes within the same major release i.e 2.6, so it is safe to upgrade to a newer version at any time. The problem as you said is when you have already done some changes in the Razor views or the css files you need to know which files have been changed and need to be merged. We can think of a way to publish all the changes between the different versions. It won't help much as it will be just a list of improvements but can give you an idea if you need to merge something or not.
Actually we use SVN internally, so the Mercurial idea probably won't work in our case.
To be honest we are don't have much experience using Mercurial.
Could you elaborate more on how it would help if you have a Mercurial repository from which you can obtain the latest version. Probably you will have a new branch with your changes and merge our changes into yours?

Any ideas will be welcome and we will do our best to improve the update process for our clients.

P.S: What tool do you use for merging?

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

12 years ago

Hi Yves,

We can see that your web site is now accessible.
Did they tell you what they mean by "third party tool or script"?
Are you using a shared hosting for your web site?
We are asking as we had similar problems with our previous shared hosting. When we started to get more visits on our web site they started to stop it from time to time with  the only explanation that it uses more resources than is allowed for a shared hosting and wanted us to upgrade to a more expensive plan. Now we have a dedicated server and have no problems with our web site.

There is no reason to think that the script you are using for the menu is causing issues on the server as it is executed on the client site and probably doesn't make server requests (in the browser).

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

12 years ago


You need to make your product picture div a bit wider in order for your big images to fit.
In your styles.css on line 666, simply change the width from 300px to 400px

.product-details-info .picture {
float: left;
width: 400px;
margin-top: 25px;
margin-bottom: 15px;


12 years ago

ylechasseur wrote:
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the answer for the other question. I have  a new one, what is  :Flyout Shopping Cart Panel Selector: I don't have any value in my admin panel and I would like to know what I should put.

Thanks for all


Hi Yves,

You need to reinstall the Ajax Cart plugin.
Then the default setting for the selector will be set automatically.
We added this step in the upgrade instructions yesterday as we realized that the setting will be missing.
The flyout shopping cart is shown when you hover over your shopping cart link on the top.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team