
Profile: Support


User posts

12 years ago

grantcs wrote:
When Items are added to the Shopping Cart, on the top right of the screen, there are two places where it is to be updated.

1.  "Shopping Cart(x)" on top line


2.  "You have x items in your shopping cart"

The second one is updated correctly and the first item is not updated.

Maybe i am doing / configuring something incorrectly.


Do you have a subdirectory on your test server?
For example ?
If so then you need to change the shopping cart mini link selector i.e .header-links a[href="/cart"] should be .header-links a[href="/subdirectory/cart"]

Please let us know if this is the problem.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

12 years ago


Yes the Nop Quick Tabs are localizable, in the same way as Products and Categories are in nopCommerce.
Please let us know if you have additional questions!

Best Regards

bubli wrote:

I'm interested in buying your template, but dealing with multiple product variants is critical for me. Do you think you can offer the update that can deal with it soon?
And second question: Is it possible to configure checkbox filters to have "AND" behavior, instead of "OR"? For example I have some attribute called "Buzzwords". Product can contain multiple buzzwords and I want that user will be able to search for a product that is "Smart" AND "Secure" AND "Durable".

Thanks in advance.


The Nop Fashion Theme now supports multiple product variants.
As to changing the logic of the filters, this would be quite difficult to do in a clean way, as there is no way to specify semantic dependency between specification attribute values in nopCommerce. In other words, if a product has a specification it has it and this is not changed by the fact that it has other specifications or not. The filtering mechanism and filter refresh logic is implemented to represent this semantics and changing this is not an easy task.
Alternatively you can achieve this by creating separate specification attributes for all the different buzzwords.
I hope this information is useful!
Please let us know if you have additional questions, we will be happy to help!

Best Regards

12 years ago

revotechnik wrote:

I uploaded the core and headermenu plugin again, reload list of plugins, then this happens...

[ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.]


Did the modification of the Global.asax help?
If you still have problems with the Header Menu then you could write us an email to support at nop-templates and give us access to your web site, so that we can check what is wrong.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

12 years ago

Hi Vedran,

Thank you for reporting this.

The issue has been fixed and uploaded on our site. You can download the latest package from your My Account section and just replace the ~\Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxCart\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxCart.dll with the one from the package.

Please let us know if the problem still exists!

12 years ago

nopowl wrote:
Hi just wondering how we can add our own custom classes to the buy now buttons?

Hi Tom,

You can control the styles of the Ajax Cart buttons from this file: SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxCart\Themes\DarkOrange\styles.css
i.e "nopAjaxCartProductListAddToCartButton" this is the class for the Add to Cart button on the category pages.

Hope this helps!

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

12 years ago

vedran wrote:

No modifications to the _GiftCartInfo.cshtm.
In demo work nice.
I'll try on another website. I will tell you the results. Thank you

Hi vedran,

It turned out that there was a problem with the Gift Cards when the product id and the product variant id are different. That's why everything is working fine on the Demo site and also with the default gift card products. So you can download the latest version of the Ajax Cart plugin and replace the plugin folder with the new one and the problem should be gone.

Please let us know how it goes and if you still have any problems!

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

12 years ago

revotechnik wrote:

So I changed the permissions and the already installed plugins have been configured and are now working great.

Still having the problem with the headermenu plugin though. I can now get it into the re-loaded list of plugins, so a step further than before. But then when I click install I get the errors.

Hi revotechnik,

It is good you have managed to install the other plugins but it is really strange why you can't install the Header menu plugin. Do you use the latest version of the Header Menu plugin? Please download the latest package and replace both the Core and the Header Menu plugin folders and then modify your Global.asax file as before. Then everything should be fine and please let us know how it goes.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

12 years ago

Hi JLuis,

This problem has been fixed in the latest build of the Nop Ajax Filters.
Please download your 2.3 version again and replace just the SevenSpikes.Nop.Services.dll in the SevenSpikes.Core plugin folder. Make sure to restart you application by modifying the Global.asax file, just in case.
Also please note that the filters have caching enabled, so if you make changes to the DisplayOrder of the Manufacturers, please clear the cache of the application by clicking on the Clear Cache button in the upper left corner of the nopCommerce administration panel.

Let us know if you have any problems!

Best Regards

12 years ago

revotechnik wrote:
I also tried the Global.asax thing but this has changed nothing.

I have managed to reload the other plugins in the list ok...

Ajax filters
Anywhere sliders
Cloud Zoom
Instant search

However when I click to install any of them I get this message at the top of the page in a red bar:

Access to the path '\\PDC2\sites\r\\public_html\Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.AjaxFilters\Settings.xml' is denied.

That error message was for AjaxFilters on that occasion.

Hi revotechnik,

In that case you need to set read\write permissions on the Plugins folder and all inner folders for the Network Service. The plugins folder has the right permissions but since you have added the new plugins they might not have the required permissions. Please set the permissions and try again and let us know if everything is ok.
If you still have problems please write to our support mail with login credentials to the web site and the ftp and we will assist you.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team