
Profile: Support


User posts

13 years ago

carreralee wrote:
Just bought your Quick Tabs product yesterday.  It beautiful! I'm wondering if the feature ...

Hi carreralee,

Thank you for choosing our products and services!

The features we describe in the post before your post are just some thoughts for how we could possibly implement the Tabs plugin in any of the future releases. So the current version of the Tabs does not support any Tab Templates.
Now all Tabs that are created can be shared between multiple products. If you have a Tab assigned to two products and change the content of that Tab then both products will get the updated Tab.
The Manage Product and Tabs option is added for convenience if you want to see which Tabs are assigned to a given product. You can add new existing Tabs to the Product or remove(delete) any already associated Tabs to this product.
Deleting a Tab will remove the association between the Product and the Tab but will not delete the actual Tab.
The Edit button you are talking about is used if you want to edit the actual Product.
The path that you describe:
It corresponds to an MVC Route in the nopCommerce framework.
Admin - it represent the Administration area
Product - it represent the product controller
Edit - it represents the controller action
52 - it is the Id of the product.
So the URL has nothing to do with any physical paths on your server.

NOTE: We managed to reproduce your problem. The Edit links  does not take into consideration the virtual directory of your web site. We are working now to correct this and will let you know when this is fixed and available for download.

Many thanks for reporting this problem!

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

Fill in form
13 years ago

rdub wrote:
How do I add a fill in form to the contact page or direct the link to an existing page?

In order to add links in the Categories Header Menu you need to manually add them in Views\CategoriesHeaderMenu.cshtml file which is inside the plugin folder.
To add a link to the Contact Us page add the following line:
<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("ContactUs")">@T("ContactUs")</a> </li>

13 years ago

dstrickland3 wrote:
Is there an option to add a wholesale page, i.e. tab to a password protected set of pages which show wholesale prices, terms, etc.?

Hi dstrickland3,

Any functionality that doesn't come out of the box with nopCommerce is considered a customization.
What you have described is not integrated in nopCommerce and doesn't seem as a standard feature, so if you want this implemented you can contact our sales team for a customization quote.
P.S: The Fashion Theme comes with Nop Quick Tabs plugin, so you can easily add any new tabs and add the links to your password protected nopCommerce topics that will contain the actual information.

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

13 years ago

rdub wrote:
Any idea as to how I might add a colored section the same height as the slider that goes across the page?

Hi rdub,

All the views are open to modifications, so it isn't a problem to add whatever you want. Just put a div element around the slider and add the necessary styles to it. I guess putting a background image will do the job just fine.

<div class="myColoredSection">
call the sliders here

  background: red or blue or url("images/backgroundColorSection.png")

Hope this helps!

13 years ago

Hi snamt,

I think I got your point. You mean that the images are appearing and disappearing with some effects, and not sliding with transitions from left to right.
This is how the Nop Home Page Sliders plugin currently works. When we release the new Nop Anywhere Sliders we intend to add a new type of slider which will have this
sliding effect from left to right without any other transition effects. Please stay tuned for the new plugin. You can subscribe to our newsletter or read our blog for more information.


13 years ago

poppie wrote:
The theme looks quite nice, however, it is missing one level of detail.

When a product is selected, it should display the product with an image list or carousel of available colors, once a color is selected, then ask for size / add to cart / add to wishlist.

Please let me know if you could add this, I would purchase the theme if this were there.


Hi Ron,

This would really be a nice feature but its implementation is not straightforward as there is no such built in functionality in the nopCommerce framework. It will require quite a lot of modifications to the nopCommerce framework that may go beyond the scope of a simple plugin. Making significant modifications to the core framework is something we try to avoid as this is hard to maintain and make updating to any new releases of nopCommerce really hard for us and our clients.
We are considering other options for achieving this by using product variants and modifications to the product template for more than one product variant. Should we come up with a relatively clean solution to this and decide to implement it for any of our subsequent releases we will let you now.

Hope this information is helpful!

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

13 years ago

Really we don't have any other ideas what the problem might be.
We tried to reproduce your problem but with no much success.
Probably you have already done that but can you Restart your application and change the Global.asax file just adding a blank space in it and save it.
Have you done any modification to nopCommerce?
Please give us any information that you think might help us reproduce and investigate this issue.
If you are not working on a Dev machine could you give us a link to your web site?


13 years ago

Hi snamt,

I had a look at your site and the slider images appear to slide. Do you still have this problem as I cannot reproduce it. If so can you provide more info on your browser, locale and scenario to reproduce the problem described.

One thing I noticed - your images are quite big and that is why the prev and next buttons are not on their correct place. The widht and height setting from the admin panel are just for the slider container. The images are not automatically resized to that dimension. Can you please try to resize your images to the widht and height of the slider panel and see if the prev and next buttons are displayed better. We are soon releasing a new Nop Anywhere Sliders plugin, that has a lot more functionality compared to the Nop Home Page sliders including adding more than one slider, widget support, auto image resizing and so on. One important thing to note is that the new version will no more be free.
It will be paid but it will come with free dedicated support and free updates for 1 year.

Hope that helps!

13 years ago

Hi Dave,

At the moment this is not possible. The filters work only on categories and immediate subcategories.

We would consider enhancing the filters to work for more than two levels of categories for the next version. However right now we have two really strong arguments against this:

1. We believe that more than two level of categories for an e-commerce web site is not very user friendly and most e-shops try to avoid this. In fact you will rarely see such an organization. However in your case you have your top most category hidden. So I am wondering why this is?

2. The performance implications of having all the products from a category tree to be filtered are enormous. So if we are to implement this it would really have to be well thought of and worth the effort.

13 years ago

Can you please check if the SevenSpikes.Core and SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.CategoriesHeaderMenu plugins are installed?

Go to Configuration -> Plugins and in the list of plugins please find SevenSpikes.Core and SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.CategoriesHeaderMenu plugins and check that Installed is set to True
