
Profile: arkroop


User posts

Hi Boyko,

Thanks for your response.

I would like to share a scenario with you. For example i have 3 discount 10%, 20%, 30% and this discount is mapped with the "product Build your computer". When I used your ribbon plugin on this product and used token ${max-discount-percentage} it give the correct value.

But when I used ${min-discount-percentage} it is showing the same value as ${max-discount-percentage} i.e. 30%.

I am not using any type of coupon code. I have assigned the discount on all products.

So please let me know why it is showing the same value.

Look forward hear from you.  

I would like to know about these two token ${min-discount-value},${min-discount-percentage}. Please let know what data will be show on this token and how to set data in the admin for show the value of the token ${min-discount-value},${min-discount-percentage}.

when i use this token it is showing the same value