
Profile: Boyko


User posts

11 years ago

cicciuzzo wrote:

Hi cicciuzzo,

I can't see any Zoom on this page. Am I missing something?


11 years ago

cicciuzzo wrote:
I would like a zoom or magnification effect on the center .. so when I flow the central elements is always bigger ..

is possible?

Hi cicciuzzo,

I don't quite understand what exactly you want. Could you share a link to a web site where you have seen this effect.


11 years ago

shayt wrote:

i would like to suggest a way to show RANDOM products ...

Hi Shay,

Thank you for your suggestion!
Please feel free to add your idea in our UserVoice portal and let others vote for it.


11 years ago

shayt wrote:

By the way can you check the JCarousel on our Fashion theme after changing the language to be English-RTL. I think it work as it should be working with the only difference is that the order of the products is the opposite of the default order.


YES, the fashion theme with RTL is working great,
and i don't care about the order of the products.
the swipe direction is in the SAME direction as the regular theme.

can you show me how can i change my jcarousel to work like the fashion RTL theme.


Hi Shay,

We made the JCarousel in the DarkOrange theme to behave the same as the Fashion theme.
Simply download the plugin package again, delete the JCarousel plugin folder from your Plugins folder and add the new one from the package.


11 years ago

shayt wrote:
i think the carousel should swipe to the same direction, regardless of the RTL/LTR theme.

Hi Shayt,

This is not something we have come up with. This is how the JCarousel works. We use this JQuery JCarousel. You can change how it works but you need to mess with its javascript. You can find the script in this folder:

By the way can you check the JCarousel on our Fashion theme after changing the language to be English-RTL. I think it work as it should be working with the only difference is that the order of the products is the opposite of the default order.


11 years ago

shayt wrote:
i did it,
like i said, the direction was solved.

but now there are two problems like i mentioned in the prev comment.

please look at

and you will see the problem.


Hi Shay,

The problem is that the JCarousel plugin works this way. When you have RTL enabled it rotates in the opposite direction when you press the arrows and the styling for it is done for such a rotation. When you have changed the direction now the RTL styling will not work correctly. You can disable the RTL styling if you want. To do so you can comment this line:

if (supportRtl)
        //Html.AppendCssFileParts("~/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.JCarousel/Themes/" + Model.Theme + "/Skins/skin.rtl.css");

This way the styling will be the default one and not the RTL one as the rotation is already changed to the default one in your previous modification.


11 years ago

cicciuzzo wrote:
how do you create an area to place the Widget Jcarosel??!


Hi cicciuzzo,

Everything about how to add a custom widget zone is described in the online documentation here.


11 years ago

kentdenns wrote:
Hi. If I purchase Single domain license and decided to buy another license for Multiple Domains later, will I just pay the the difference of the price of the Single and Multiple? Or will I pay the full amount of Multiple Domain License and will not get a cash back from the Single Domain License? Thanks in advance!

Hi kentdenns,

Thank you for considering our products!
We do not offer upgrades from Single to Multiple Domain License as it will completely defeat the purpose of the Multiple Domain License. The purpose of the Multiple Domain License is to offer web agencies or web developers an affordable price and at the same time let them use our products for creating unlimited number of web sites. So if you plan to use the theme on at least  more than one web site then you should consider getting a multiple domain license.

Should you decide to buy the theme I am sure it will become a valuable tool for your business!

Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team

11 years ago

joster wrote:
We started out with the electronics theme and have loaded most of our products and product attributes into the database.  We'd like to switch to the fashion theme.  Are we going to be able to use the same db or are we going to have to rebuild our db in the new theme?



Hi Jeff,

Sure you can use the same database. The difference between the two themes are only in some of the settings for the plugins but they can easily be changed from the administration. When we provide each plugin for a given theme we add the optimum settings for this specific theme i.e the width and the height for the Zoom window for the Nop Cloud Zoom pugin etc. The easiest way to get the default settings for the Fashion theme for a given plugin is to simply uninstall the plugin and install the plugin again. Simply use the one that comes with the Fashion theme package and it will add the default settings for the Fashion theme automatically during the installation.

Should you need any help please let us know and we will be glad to assist.


cicciuzzo wrote:


I used the FREE plugin - Nop Categories Header Menu.. is very good.

Hi cicciuzzo,

As far as I understand it is a matter of css styling, which you should be able to resolve. If you have problems with the html and need to add additional classes then we would advice you to try the Mega Menu as you will be able to change the html structure directly in the .cshtml files.
